(no subject)

Aug 01, 2008 20:15

/o\: I got my first speeding ticket (from a week and a half ago - static camera) today. Ow at both, well, the stupidity (of me! not the law! ...although I do also wish that stretch of SH1 didn't go from 100 to 50 without a buffer 70 zone, but that is Excuses Territory), and the money, but it's definitely a) mine and b) my fault. I'm a lot more philosophical about it than I would've expected, though, I mean- okay, twelve years of a perfect driving record (WE DO NOT SPEAK OF CORK. NO REASON.) is probably not bad, really. And, well, given how much I was speeding on the 101 in CA (to be fair: so I could get to a part of the highway with breathable air), I think I more than earned something, at least. Hopefully I will manage to steer clear of more for the foreseeable future. My boss handed it to me (because, yes, in the work car, which, um, embarrassing. Although I am not the first person in our department this year by a long shot, so I still win on points) this morning and said "I didn't think I should give you this before the audit yesterday." And I said, "yes, good call, thank you." Hee.

\o/: ...or possibly just HEE - blue_raven and I decided this afternoon that, actually, should the Zomb-apocalypse eventuate, the best place to be would actually be at work. We know where the potable water is (...the bore. The rest of the waterways, um. Moving on! :D), there's food, it's wicked defensible, we would be well supplied with both weapons and a workshop with which to both craft more weapons AND rebuild civilisation (as we see fit, moo ha ha ha), and there would totally be Z-movie-worthy type methods of zombie removal should any of them have the sinew strength to stagger up the hill towards us (seriously, my ears pop, it is not a small hill!). Um. Our conversations are not like other peoples'? ...well, except people on the internets. :D

Speaking of defriending people in real life, I totally just realised coming home tonight (I made it through an entire day at work! Also we got shouted lunch for being awesome last week! \o/ ...except I have so much to do next week that "cry" might end up on my To Do list. :/) that my description of the tea I was drinking this week is also possibly sufficient to get me defriended in real life by some of you. Those that didn't do so after I admitted to the Two Buck Chuck we drank in Cleveland that one time, anyway. Mmm. Tastes like cork. ...oh god that was an ENTIRELY unintentional circular reference. HA. I have to end this post here, clearly.

car, ange, nice pile of rocks

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