(no subject)

Jul 29, 2008 18:08

Remember when I said I wanted a day off? This was not what I meant. :(

I woke up this morning and realised that, huh. Apparently when I thought I was getting sick on Sunday? I was right. I went to work did my weekly report and, like, three other things before basically packing it in and crawling home to lie on the couch with a blanket and NCIS and feel sorry for myself. Because as much as I hate taking a sick day, I HAVE to be at work tomorrow and Thursday and so pretty much this is the only day I could take for, um. A long-ass time, since co-worker is leaving. And everyone I've told I wasn't feeling well started checking symptoms with me and then informed me that it's going around and it LINGERS for about two weeks. :( :( :( Not happy. Owwwwwww.

So, yeah. I am here just to check urgent emails and stuff and I think I'll manage like one fic but mostly I'm all sore throat/brain/head/neck/back and going back to bed. SO BORED.
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