Hi Internets!

Jun 05, 2008 18:05

I am back from Salt Lake City, which was pretty damn excellent, aside from a very bad hour or so where I realised that a) the internet had lied LIKE A RUG to me about how close the hotel was to the venue and b) the hotel clerk lady said it was an HOUR'S DRIVE AWAY (cue non-musical panic). But I got a taxi out there from the airport, and it was really more like half an hour - thank GOD - and then even though it was fucking freezing (seriously, Utah, it's meant to be summer) it was uniformly excellent *and* I got to meet elucreh (who gave me the most excellent bracelet which she had made), and also a couple of other fabulous local fangirls. (I'm gonna need a refresher on names, obviously. *is bad at names*) Also I am beginning to suspect that in reality *Zack* might be my favourite. In the interests of not appearing creepy I did not actually state this at any point until we had left the venue. :D

Also, I noticed in the shower this morning with great amusement, I am actually covered in impressively coloured bruises from last night - where I was only defending my spot on the balcony rail, stupid drunk people - and didn't get hurt at all in the Pit of Stupidity in Denver. WHAT. Seriously, that makes no sense. Also, after bailing on the barricade in Denver (which, really, I'm very okay with - I ended up only a couple people back anyway and I had far more fun there than I would've had I stuck it out), my pride is reassured a little in the fact that despite the serious effort of the idiots to my left who showed up well after us, they didn't move me even an inch on the balcony. (Also, I don't know why they wanted to, aside from to let their other friends on the balcony as well by shoving us off, because the lighting rig was a little in our way so they actually had a slightly better angle of view.)

I am gonna try and not suck so much about posting and talk about the whole thing properly later, but since my phone is officially fucked until and unless my mum can put some money on for me, I figured I should check in asap just in case. Probably it shouldn't have taken me nearly two hours to get back from the airport, but in my defense a) most of this time was right after school must've got out so all the public transit was super busy/packed and b) I may have taken what appeared to be and should've been a shortcut route and if the D train wasn't the SLOWEST TRAIN EVER MY GOD it probably would've been, but. Heh. Anyhow. I am back in Denver! And theoretically around on the internets! (Though I should be writing fic/concert posts or doing laundry or possibly pondering when to make bacontaters (TM) for this lot.)

...and now I need to go check in with people I am actually related to, too. :D

[don't] panic, hushies, us08, salt lake city

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