mixed bag o' stuff

May 03, 2008 20:40

Okay, so Courtney just inadvertently blew my fucking mind with that google image search meme thing.

I just. That. We were at the front of THAT. What the hell. As Kat just said, that is pretty much a textbook definition of a "my life, I can't even" moment. I just. Yeah.

Also, livejournal is officially ON NOTICE because I have just found out that a whole bunch of posts did not come up on my friends page yesterday at all - a couple being very very important type ones grrrrrrrrrr - AND I would've missed the dinosaur AU capslocking entirely if I hadn't a) been looking directly at Pearl's journal in the first place and b) she hadn't linked to it as well, because neither of those entries came up either. NOT COOL, LJ. (No, really, my stupid must-read-everything neuroses do NOT cope at all well with this kind of thing, now I'll spend half the night checking what else I missed, I did not have time planned out for that, argh.)

Right, so, today involved some rather non-traditional exercise for me. I went in to work for just over three and a half hours this afternoon (and okay, I admit it, probably the fact I felt it was necessary to do this is contributing to my easily-irritated mood right now), and I kept hearing noises outside every now and then, and at first I thought it was someone rapping on the (locked - I am not dumb!) door, like maybe Coworker Who Lives On Site coming over to say hi/take the piss out of me for coming in on the weekend, but I stuck my head into each of the other buildings, and there was no one (nor any vehicles) there, so I figured it was just stuff falling over outside (is super windy) or the building settling, whatever.

Except then at like a quarter to four - and, thank god, just after I had stopped using the hot plate (and, fuck fuck fuck, now I am having major twitchy oh-godness about remembering if I did turn it OFF or not. I must've, right? Fuck. FUCK. I do not want to go back out there NOW and check. Maybe I'll text J. God, I fail at life.) - I heard something outside again, so I climbed onto the bench (and, um, knocked a whole bunch of stuff off it, oops, lucky it was all plastic) and stuck my head out the window and OH HI, there were two half-grown calves having, like, a play fight RIGHT OUTSIDE THE LAB.

Which meant that I had to basically swear very loudly, dart across the room to grab my keys, unlock the three doors between me and the other side of the building and then jog up the driveway to close the gates before the calves decided that maybe they should go on an adventure. Like, onto the major state highway that is approximately 200m away. And then I had to jog back, go all the way through (locking and unlocking behind me again) to the other side of the building and get the car to try and herd them either into the empty paddock at the top of the hill, or back from whence they'd came. I accidently cornered one of them and when I backed off to let it sort of do a u-turn out of the cul-de-sac it ran into behind the gate on the lab area, it turned around, looked at me, and then jumped over the fucking fence. Wow, I feel so secure in knowing that the fences we have ALL OVER THE 400 ACRE PROPERTY are not apparently high enough! And then it found its friend and they ran down the hill and vanished from sight.

So I got back in the car, followed them, drove around a bit to establish they probably weren't hiding in the stockyard, and then clambered up a (muddy) hill to find what I think was the part of the fence that they had WALKED RIGHT *UNDER* where the ground had eroded underneath it - there were hoofprints all over, it was very CSI: Franklin County of me - and saw a black calf making "ha ha stupid human!" faces at me (shut up, I am not anthropomorphising irrationally!) from where it was standing on the other side of the gate between the two paddocks on that side of the hill. That gate had been left open so the cows could move between the paddocks, but I couldn't see any more cows on my side of the gate (although there's a bunch of bush in that part, so who knows), so I fought with the gorse (hate hate hate) and got that gate closed, theoretically cutting them all off from the GIANT SECURITY BREACH. And then I staggered back to the car, drove back to the lab, texted people about motherfucking cows and how they are not my favourites, and phoned the manager to let him know a) problem and b) why the gates would be left closed all weekend (usually they're not), since I wasn't totally sure I got them all.

Bloody cows.

And then when I finally got home at like 5pm dad was asleep in the gym, so rather than disturb him I walked a few blocks back to where some kids were selling feijoas, because even though paying for them is against my religion, as a theoretical grown-up *and* a former child entrepeneur myself I had to admire their approach (holding up giant signs whenever any cars went past), so I figured what the hell for just this once. So now I'm kind of tired and loud noise (aka, the tv that I bet no one is fucking watching argh) is irritating me out of all proportion, and frankly, thank god the new Panic video came out today because otherwise I would've been significantly crabbier and less pleasant a person to be around than I am now.

And now, I need to close off a bunch more tabs, and then sit down, shut up and write. *cracks whip*

(Except, let's face it, we all know that I'm going to noodle around on the internets more while I wait for the walmart thing to finish loading and then I'll just watch that. YAY BOYS.)

[don't] panic, u2, croke park, nice pile of rocks, fangirls

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