tales from the coalface: "so, hey, wanna check the MSDS for when i inevitably spill this on myself?"

Apr 28, 2008 19:17

Epic. Fucking. Win. You guys. SERIOUSLY. Okay, so work kicked our asses all over the show today, and since it's Monday after a three day weekend I could for the most part handle that (although I whined a lot on text, sorry guys who get that), but it would've been a fairly 'blah, I do not win' type of day, except for the fact that I got home (an hour late), and not only did I have a parcel of ridiculous awesomosity from erilyn (thank you SO SO much, you are an absolute star), but I played a random hunch and discovered that, OH HI, the DVD player in the spare room?


\o\ /o/ \o\ /o/ \o\ /o/ \o\ /o/ \o/

So then I gorged myself on some of the stuff she sent, and now I'm looking forward to watching some of the ridiculous pile of computer discs I have stacked up to watch as well as actual-proper-legit-movie-or-tv!DVDs, and in conclusion, jamethiel_bane? This week, you are going DOWN. (Except, you know, in that way where I am totally supportive and encouraging of you also meeting viewing targets, I am just NOT GOING TO FORFEIT this week. YAY ME. Um, my forfeits for the last two weeks should turn up in the next day or two, too. I swear. *shifty eyes*)

Also I mostly managed to not wear any of the zinc chloride yet - oh god PLEASE don't let this be me jinxing myself, we need to do more with it tomorrow - which, um, is also slightly unprecedented win, if not for the fact that I spent a good hour this evening trying to work out a way to have my revenge on it because it was totally not doing what it should and it was fucking frustrating. And like I said at the time, the maddening thing (for once) about dealing with chemicals instead of people is you really can't threaten them into good behaviour. Like, what are you going to say? "get your density in order or i'll kick you in your molecular sub-orbitals!" Yeah, that's gonna work. SIGH.

Right. Time to shower and then maybe read a bit and then further up and further in! *rolls up sleeves, fakes determination to carry on with*

erilyn, jame, operation: big sister, paul gross arms, nice pile of rocks, bandom

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