Movie: *starts*
Me and Chris: *choke in unison* No, this isn't at ALL like Lord of the Rings!
Chris: We have enough money for a helicopter!
Movie: *something about long ago in a distant galaxy*
Us: A long time ago in a galaxy far far away!
(Seriously, they're not even trying to disguise the SW references these days, are they?)
Chris: Are those Ancients?
Me: ...I dunno. They're not dressed badly enough to be!
Vala and Daniel: *argue about opening the chest* It could be capable of any number of things we don't know about!
Chris: It could be capable of inducing male pregnancy!
Through pretty much the entire thing, us: NO REALLY THIS ISN'T RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK AT ALL! ...they're such fanboys. HEART.
Also, I totally win because I saw the Morgan Le Fay thing coming! And the Adria-taking-over thing. Er. Not that they were difficult, but whatever. :D
Sam: Cheek okay?
Us: *die of cute* ...also, seriously, NOT AT ALL RAIDERS. Heeee.
And the macaroons! So adorable!
And eee, the end! Aw! Vala kicking Daniel! Smart-assery! Walter! <3 OH SHOW I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUU (even if you can't go half a movie without replicators, siiiiiiigh).