It's entirely possible I may have enjoyed that too much.

Mar 09, 2008 18:52

Just got home from spending a ridiculous amount of time in town mooching around. I took a massive pile of stuff in to Real Groovy to trade in, and to my everlasting joy, they actually took five seasons of Buffy off my hands. \o/!!! Admittedly, for about a twentieth of what I paid for them originally, but those things have not been shifting in the slightest on trademe, so I'm mostly just pleased to have got them out of my room at last (I got the all-seven-seasons box set last year, which takes up approximately a sixth of the space, too), and that with the other stuff I traded in netted me a hundred and thirty bucks of store credit. AWESOME, says I. And then proceed to initially not find much I actually planned to buy. (I still have a fierce want for the One Tree Hill 7 inch single they actually have - because, unlike mine, it has a sleeve, ngggggggh *completist twitch* - but I point blank refuse to pay fifty bucks for it. So. Not gonna happen.)

So I wandered around a lot, used half my store credit, went back to the car (which, I should have mentioned, I parked on the same block as the store's on for the first time in about five years, it was AWESOME. Sundays ftw!), dropped it into the boot, went and got lunch and coffee, and then went back and spent the rest of my store credit when I didn't have to worry about juggling posters while I tried to look at the sale bins. The final tally of my loot was: 8 cassette tapes (my work ute has a cassette player, they were a buck each), 7 vinyls (szo addicted), 1 VHS tape (REM's tourfilm! for four bucks! YAY!) and one CD. HI, IT'S LIKE I LIVE IN THE EIGHTIES. (This really did amuse me far too much.) Oh, and four posters, because they were having a massive clear out of all their old tour/advertising posters. Not much left, sadly, and most of it was beaten to shit, but I finally have an ATYCLB poster, after missing out on all the ones that they promised to save me from the mall music shops Back In The Day.

The only reason I actually spent, um, actual money in RG was that pretty much on my way out I spotted Infinity on High in vinyl, for an actually reasonable price (I fucking want the Black Parade like whoa but the only copy they had was so overpriced I just looked at it and LAUGHED; see also the only copy they had left of Neon Bible.), so I got that, and ohhh my god it is BEAUTIFUL. Not only is it ridiculously pretty, but I just listened the whole way through and ohhh my god it sounds good. Like I just said to tshirtgirl, it's like the audio equivalent of a hot tub. And it probably helps to be using stereo speakers for a change instead of computer ones, too. Either way: MUHHH GOOD. Never leave me, vinyl.

And, wow, I can't believe it's like 7pm already. Where did my weekend go? Eek. I should go try and knock some more stuff off my to do list now, huh? YIKES.

Although, oh! If it's that time here, then it means it must be right on midnight in her time zone, so lastly and most importantly, I want to wish a very, very happy birthday to melissa2u, one of the most awesome, generous, fun, talented and generally kickass women I know. *pouncetackles* I hope you have a lovely day, honey, and that you can continue to enjoy your crazy snow, and that the family spoil you, and that the coming year is filled with shiny things and all kinds of goodness. And I can't wait till we get to rock another GA line together (or, you know, just hang out and watch bootlegs for houuuuuuuuurs). Much much love!

melissa, music, birthdays, vinyl

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