Bandom Crossing Ahead! (Please slow, and watch out for dudes in funky glasses.)

Jan 09, 2008 23:52

So, you know, this was a really good afternoon for my new hoodie (snuggly huge black pretty band hoodie, YAY) to turn up from the courier at work, and then I stopped by home briefly and my splurge present-to-self for getting a payrise was waiting there - the superposh Panic! box set. Oh. Em. Gee. Yeah, it kind of a little bit schooled the Joshua Tree box in terms of prettiest damn thing on my music shelf. *makes squeaky noises at it* It's just- It has all kinds of kooky stuff in it and it's all designed nicely and put together well and has a red-velvet lined box and embossed gold lettering and sepia-tone photos and a pretty notebook and just... *flail* It's kind of totally awesome and I am so, so glad I followed my instincts and bought it. Plus, I wanted something with JWalk in the liner notes. *is shallow* And now I am watching the DVD that came with it. I gotta say, the Fillmore looks a LOT bigger than I had imagined from hearing people talk about seeing other bands there. Huh.

-Wow, okay, I see more now where people get the urge to tie Brendon Urie to chairs. That boy has a gorgeous, gorgeous voice, but the bouncing in the first song makes even me want to sit on him a little. Not in the shallow 'heh heh' way, just- honey! Power down! *pats him*
-Ngggh, Jon Walker. Hello. HI. Yes. Spencer. Ditto. Yeaaaaah. *is true to rhythm section roots, apparently* I could totally watch Spencer drum for really a long time. Niiiiiiiice. (And hey, Denver was totally my 'city to watch the drummer in', too. Awesomecakes.)
-NGH! Okay, so there's just something about people playing keyboards with a guitar hanging off their hips which DOES ME IN, because it makes me flail like mad in New Years Day when Edge does it, and Jon Walker with the keyboards? SAME THING. Mmm. Multitasking.
-Aww, Ryan Ross. You are DEFINITELY a video-not-still person. He's way easier to understand/connect with when you get to see him move and fill out more dimensions. He just doesn't work for me at all in flat images.
-I do like them live so far. I really enjoy spectacle which WORKS with the music (which this does), so... yes. Nice work, lads. And they communicate on stage with each other and - as much as you can tell from a DVD - the audience, so, you know, hello, my bulletproof Thing.
-Ooh. Is Ryan using a slide? *squints at tv* Will have to look later, it's not clear enough here. *trained by Cordy, heh*
-Jon singing backup! HEART! (No, really, I can't even begin to explain just how easy I am. Heh.)
-...I may have bitten my hand when Brendon flashed his stomach. I feel slightly dirty. *headdesk* Also, he totally has Xander eyebrows. This amuses me.
-! That nonchalant little drumstick flip Spencer did during Karma Police. OH YES. Dork. <3
-(Also, fuckssake, guys, don't make me enjoy a Radiohead song, this messes with my worldview like you would not believe. (Note: I totally respect radiohead and I can understand how almost everyone I know loves them, but they annoy me on a visceral and irrational level, so. Hrm. Maybe it's just... not having Thom Yorke's voice to contend with? *bad person sorry!*)
-"Very well then." *cracks up* And just when I was thinking he sounds like a BBC-esque documentary narrator doing, like, Oscar Wilde or something, too.
-...I can't say that I'd consider Camisado a song to dance to precisely, but, okay, fine, I may well be overthinking as a result of fandom, so. Heh.
-Dear Brendon, Please continue to get all up in Jon's face okay thank you yes. Love, me.
-The lighting did something weird a couple songs back - does anyone who bothered to read this know if they did just film the show straight or if they've recut the setlist? *curious*
-Dear Camera Dudes, more close ups on Jon's hands please, love me.
-...okay, no, the intro for "Lying..." doesn't quiiiiite work for me. It's too slow. This song needs more, not less live - it should be sexy and ruthless and hot and frantic. And I don't think making it like calliope music quite works. (Although points for Dusty and Katie-Kay in this song. WHAT. I am open-minded and stuff!)
-Okay, I can totally see how Brendon got first shower after this. Given that he's practically swimming. Ouch. That many layers under that many lights at altitude? Yeah, no thank you.
-Okay, so Rojer's character is totally inspired by Zidler in Moulin Rouge, right?
-The intermission thing is... kind of hilarious, and kind of sitting right on top of my embarrassment squick. HELP.
-Ryan sitting on the piano bench next to Brendon was ADORABLE.
-There need to be more cop AUs/crossovers with SGA, because Spencer in a shoulder holster would be all kinds of awesome. I am just saying.
-MIKE SHARING YES THANK YOU. U2 makes me expect these things, I am glad they are meeting my requirements. Also, points for belly dancers in that respect, too.
-Ooh, I like the Smashing Pumpkins cover, too. Speaking of, does anyone have any context for the cover they do/did of Round Here that I have an mp3 of, because I swear to god, that? That is in my top five covers of all time, good lord. Ngh. (Although, huh, Brendon? I think you may have been a tiny bit flat on the chorus just now. Says the girl who can hit two notes total ever, if she's lucky. Heh.)
-Ngggh, okay, the intro and then going into "There's a Reason These Tables are Numbered..." is pretty damn awesome. This is much more like it, guys.
-The finger snapping was very cool. *squishes them all* (Not enough Jon, seriously, why is there NEVER ENOUGH BASS PLAYER coverage? This is not unique to Panic by any stretch of the imagination. :D)
-Jazz hands! Air guitar! Dancing! I AM CHARMED BEYOND WORDS (also easy).
-Aw, whoever lent over the keyboads to have their hand kissed by Eric was lovely.
-Jon do you have an acoustic rhythm guitar here? Mm. Instrument swapping ftw. (Oh, right, cos Ryan has the banjo. *is slow*)
-The live arrangement of "I constantly thank god for Esteban" is also rocking and totally working for me, too.
-(Okay, where's the AU where the bandom guys are voice actors for cartoons/movies? I could totally buy that. That would be SHINY.)

Okay, in conclusion? That was froody and I vastly enjoyed all of it (and of course the only low point was... my favourite track. *facepalm*), and I would totally go see them live.

And... backstage stuff, fwee. Oh, Spencer, honey, you wear girl shirts just like Edge. HEART. Brendon calling first shower - cute. Jon with the cheerful cursing and sweat in his ears HEE, oh, bless. Ryan is making the BEST faces, oh, man. ...did Brendon just chuck Ryan under the chin before they went on? AW., really, JWalk's hips? VERY underrated. Look at him all swishy by the keyboard. See?

"The second to last waltz." DOOOOOOOORKS.

The miming of the writing! Ahh! BOYS!

And Ryan's all wiggly in his chair. Okay. I maybe get a little of the Ryan-fixated fic better, now.

(No, really, Jon Walker. I would pretty much lick you all over. Welcome to the list.)

God, they're all so twenty years old. With the "like"-ing.

Aaaaaand they can't help themselves with the This is Spinal Tap reference. Dorks.

Huh, belated realisation. They also get points for not using any dry ice that I could see. (I fucking hate dry ice. Hello, asthma.)

Hrm. Ryan talking about taking influences from places other than other musicians made me think of Fitzcarraldo which is making me oddly tempted to wonder what would happen if you stuck Ryan Ross and Glen Hansard in the same room. That could be either deeply disturbing or utterly fascinating.

Jon finger-combing his hair! SQUISH.

Heee, Brendon's mainlining whatever he's eating and Jon and Spencer and Ryan appear to be having some kind of amused discussion in the background using only their eyebrows. *giggle*

Who was it hassling Jon about the bells? Ryan, right? (I am bad at voices.) "No there's not." "Yes there is!" I have a stupid weakness for finding that kind of argument cute.

...Zack giving them the MVP awards! *cracks the fuck up*

Okay, I'm back to just generalised non-specific wanting to squish them. And make baby-other-band comparisons, but no one needs to hear all that, and plus it's too late to meta.

Oh my god, the credits, AHAAHAAAAAAHAA. Yes, Brendon, PUT YOUR FACE IN RYAN'S ARMPIT. *howls* And then the mirror thing and- yeah, I have a terrible weakness for dorks.

[don't] panic, running commentary of doom, bandom

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