yeah, i'll dig a tunnel... across the Tasman Sea

Jan 03, 2008 20:23

Hi. So. I'm tucked up on the couch (wireless ftmfw), shoes off, bra off, dog (and myself) walked into absolute zonkedness, dinner made and cleaned up after, and salad made for lunch tomorrow, and since most of my stuff is, naturally, at my house and NOT HERE, all I really have to do this evening is read a bit and maybe try to start catching up with you guys a bit. AWESOME.

Well, that and some organisey stuff, because I was getting ever more and more twitchy about missing the Big Day Out this year, because I usually go when I'm in the country, but time off is a pain and I think two people are already going and all that so we're a smidge short-staffed, but the nebulous sense of "I am going to kick myself SO HARD" for this persisted and then I thought about it more and decided, fuck it. I'm going to the Big Day Out. Melbourne.


(It... just works better that way, for a number of reasons. Like that I really need to go see my nana who has been really unwell over the holidays (skating past that reaaaaally fast because I don't want to focus on it right now, so. you know. just leaving that point out there.), and I have air points which will expire if I don't use them before August and the Melbourne BDO is on a Monday, yes, but it's Auckland Anniversary day which = public holiday for me (grown-up job ftw also!), so I only need one day off to get home afterwards, instead of two, which is eminently more doable, and I get to hang with awesome people (jamethiel_bane - if it's at all possible, we must try to meet up, too!) and just... yeah. It came together. I try not to question these things too much.)

*twirls and twirls and twirls, while poinging* OH HAI, PROBABLE ARCADE FIRE. \o/\o/

ETA: Also, ganked off Anti - Republican nominees, Jossverse style. I am stuck on making stare-y faces of ! because one or two of them seem to work scarily well. (Bastard son of ETA: I think it was tshirtgirl and I making !! face over this the other day, but this just reminded me. Joss Whedon doing some awesome comic or tv-based project with Gerard Way. Most ridiculously awesome outcome in the history of the world, y/y? DISCUSS. (They would be so sure to have kickass female characters! And they're both smart and kind of nuts in the creatively excellent way, and, omg, universe, seriously, MAKE THIS HAPPEN K?))

a very famous plan, gigs, music, melbourne

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