"Please address your angry phone calls to the SciFi channel..."

Sep 26, 2007 18:53

*takes moment*

*flails all around room*

Hi. If you've guessed that I just got home with my S3 DVDs, you would not be wrong.

If you were to take a further guess as to my primary destination with these discs and assume that I was watching the commentary for Return part 1... you still wouldn't be wrong.


I left the house at half past six this morning. I got home at half past six in the evening. I didn't finish work today until half five, and by some miraculous combination of traffic (yay school holidays!) and traffic lights I got to my old store five minutes before they closed. Possibly the fact I was chanting a mantra of "MartyGMartyGMartyG" the entire way helped. Or not. *shifty* Sooooooo tired. Work still kicking our asses, though we got a LOT done today (because J. is made of awesome). And because my old workmates are made of awesome as well, I got Vonnie's DVDs for her as well, also on uber-special. \o/

Right. Am going to shower (I am either sun-tanned after the gorgeous weather today or just covered in more layers of dirt than usual - odds are fifty-fifty here, to be honest) and scrounge dinner and then I am going to hide out in the squeeful land of commentary and special features - email if you need me.

I am currently torn between amusement and worry about driving down on Friday, mostly because I allowed for getting us lost in teh Hamiltron in terms of Things That Might Make Us Late, but what I did NOT foresee was the possibility that we might be delayed due to VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS. I mean, it's super unlikely. But if Ruapehu keeps playing silly buggers and they end up having to close the Desert Rd our route is gonna get a LOT more scenic. Heh. Memo to self: double check what the alternate route IS.

Just while I think of it, if any of you guys want to bring any of the following, it's probably a good idea:

-any of those 4c per litre discount vouchers. I've got one at the moment (I think it's a BP one?) but it'd probably pay to have options if we have to fill up at a Shell station or something. I would anticipate we won't use more than maybe two tanks of petrol if that (am not sure how much difference having three more people in the car makes) but options = teh good.
(I have some two-for-one coffee vouchers for Wild Bean which I suspect that J_B and I at least will use, and a bunch of random fast food vouchers, so I'll bring those and if we use them, cool, if we don't, they weigh like 1g so whatever. :D)

-mp3 players and/or mix CDs. Chris and I wiped out the battery on my iPod last time and used about half of hers - the iTrip pulls more power than usual listening. Plus, this way we get a better variety! I would vote for mix CDs rather than proper CDs only because I can't guarantee the quality of the car stereo and I don't want to end up scratching or getting stuck someone's good CD.)

-any type of drink/snacks you feel like hauling along with you. I have no problems stopping to get stuff if and when we need it, but it's generally nice to have your own drink bottle if you need one, and cheaper, etc.

I think that's everything. If anyone needs me urgently, call/text/email me. jamethiel_bane, I will email you my phone number in a minute just in case you need it, everyone else should have it. If anyone in Wellington wants me to bring anything in particular, email me and if it's before 7am Friday morning I should receive it and be able to act upon it. Texts (vodafone providing) should be actionable right up to the moment we leave, and I'm willing (with the bribe of coffee) to go back to Auckland for stuff as long as we haven't got further than Hamilton by that point. We will try and phone post. :D

get/together 07, martin gero, get/together, fangirls, sga

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