I'd've love to heave heard that Dave Matthews cover. I heart him bigtime, and "Solsbury Hill" is one of my favorite Gabriel songs.
Oddly, I go to very few concerts (there are reasons for this, which I will bore you with at some point in the future if you desperately want me to and buy me a drink first - see, I know how to bribe, me!). So I don't have a top-five list of live covers I've actually heard live. I adore covers, however, so I could give you a top-five of those, if you wanted.
I actually have it as an mp3 (normally I don't have these things to hand!) so I will totally get that to you tomorrow, if you like.
I would be interested to know t his! (And more than willing to buy drinks... how are your current plans vis a vis con.txt? *grin*) Mmmm, covers. And, yes please! *sits back to await your listing*
I will totally get that to you tomorrow, if you like.
That would be lovely. I hadn't meant to hint - I was just pining in general - but since you offer, yays.
(And more than willing to buy drinks... how are your current plans vis a vis con.txt? *grin*)
In a word (or several): I'm signed up to come and need to remember to request the time off :-). Yours? *waits hopefully*
As to the listing (to which you may also listen, if you like), it's a listing en ce moment rather than a listing de la vie, and it's a rather odd mix of weird and beautiful - sometimes in the same song. A few of them even adhere to your original request by being live, omg.
Barenaked Ladies - Fight the Power, cov. Public Enemy, Coneheads OST. BWAHA. And yet it sort of works.
Billy Boyd - Hit Me Baby One More Time (live), cov. Britney Spears. I find Billy Boyd more than a little yummy, possibly due in large part to the scene in LotR III in which he sings. Here he also sings, although the source material is. um. a bit different.
Downloading in a minute, and more sensible comments to follow, but I just have to say - there is only ONE of these I already had, and I think two that I have heard before, and the one I have? Is TOTALLY Billy's cover of Hit Me Baby One More Time. Oh BILLEH. <33
I am a crazy completist and i am trying to regain my inbox some sanity. (I'm down to 1300 emails! From 3300!) :D I also owe you a comment over on the AO3. <333333
See, now, when my inbox gets to about a tenth of that size? I start deleting things just so I don't feel so guilty every time I look at my inbox that I never read email again. I am SO IMPRESSED BY YOU.
(Also: we should really be more geographically proximate. Preferably at a time when there isn't another huuuuuuge event going on, so we can hang out at a cafe and write and read at each other :-s.)
Whereas I get less guilty looking at unanswered email than I do over the sheer imagining of not answering something I 'should' answer. So it... builds up. :/ It was dating back to 2006 to start though! (I have been working from backwards and forwards so I don't burn out so fast this time, heh.)
(And omg, we should, YES. This needs to happen, indeeeeeed.)
You are GOOD. I need to figure out whether I can do this. Because yes, guilt at what should have been answered and wasn't = big influence in the Life of the Q. Oy, gevalt: of guilt I have too much.
(Any idea when you might next be in the US? [Don't think I don't realize it's probably my turn to make the trip to y'all in NZ...])
It took me FOUR YEARS to get this far! Don't give me too much credit! But I am v v pro your not being guilty about as many things. Also, I have to admit, 95% of my emails are just LJ comments so there are a LOT I can look at, realise I no longer need to respond, and then just archive them.
(And I should be over for MJ. :D PS We are having a spreadout Birthday Year party down here (half my U2 fandom people are 1981 babies, so we figured we shoudl make a zero-birthday with a big plan) and you are most, most invited should that be practical for you at any point in the year. <3)
Yeah, my guilt quotient is kind of off the charts. When your sister and your THERAPIST both tell you they don't know anyone else who gives themselves this much of a constant hard time, you know you maybe have a problem...
(Re: 2011:
MJ11 FTMFW OMG. I am so glad you're coming for that. If you are coming in early and would like to hang out a bit, let me know; I am thinking about taking a whole week off work, since it is Boston and Boston is my hearthome and I anyway need some proper TIME OFF and not these insufficient long-weekend things that always leave me more stressed than I was before I left, so I will probably be in town well before the con.
If your Birthday Year of awesome can make comfortable room for someone who talks funny, was in high school in 1981 (only just, but still), and is wildly ignorant of U2 fandom but equally admiring of those dedicated to it, I would love to come visit next year. Is your actual 30th happening at some point then?)
Yeah, honey, I... sort of figured? :/ Mrrrrrrh. Please give yourself a break if you can? <3333
(And yaaaaaaaaaaay MJ INDEED. Unless things shake out differently I can't get out there early at all - my leave situation is going to be tight again, and i want to try and come back the week of/after Easter so I can maximise "time in the US" on days that I do not need to trade leave for. :D And my birthday year absolutely can. For one, most of U2 fandom isn't really so U2 fandomy anymore, and for another we've expanded well outside our original borders with other people anyway, it's just a convenient catchall for the five or six of us who are 81 kids. Also I remain jealous of people who were around to experience all the awesome music and cool stuff i was too young for. (aaaaaah Joshua Tree why was i six when you came out. (don't talk to me about Spencer Smith. it's depressing to realise my favourite song (Where the Streets Have No Name) is OLDER THAN ALL OF PANIC. Good grief. (SO MANY PARENTHESES.))))
And (dammit, replying in email, missed a line) I am actually turning 30 in early September, but the Rugby World Cup will be on down here then (only just ermembered to look up dates this morning, oops) which means that I would not recommend ANYONE who doesn't love rugby come near hte place then, cos flights will be appallingly FULL and super expensive (or at least, not at all on special). I think we're aiming for a sort of "people should turn up whenever but maybe Nov for the main push, if possible".
Oddly, I go to very few concerts (there are reasons for this, which I will bore you with at some point in the future if you desperately want me to and buy me a drink first - see, I know how to bribe, me!). So I don't have a top-five list of live covers I've actually heard live. I adore covers, however, so I could give you a top-five of those, if you wanted.
I would be interested to know t his! (And more than willing to buy drinks... how are your current plans vis a vis con.txt? *grin*) Mmmm, covers. And, yes please! *sits back to await your listing*
That would be lovely. I hadn't meant to hint - I was just pining in general - but since you offer, yays.
(And more than willing to buy drinks... how are your current plans vis a vis con.txt? *grin*)
In a word (or several): I'm signed up to come and need to remember to request the time off :-). Yours? *waits hopefully*
As to the listing (to which you may also listen, if you like), it's a listing en ce moment rather than a listing de la vie, and it's a rather odd mix of weird and beautiful - sometimes in the same song. A few of them even adhere to your original request by being live, omg.
*appreciates your taste, oh yes*
:-) + <3!
See, now, when my inbox gets to about a tenth of that size? I start deleting things just so I don't feel so guilty every time I look at my inbox that I never read email again. I am SO IMPRESSED BY YOU.
(Also: we should really be more geographically proximate. Preferably at a time when there isn't another huuuuuuge event going on, so we can hang out at a cafe and write and read at each other :-s.)
(And omg, we should, YES. This needs to happen, indeeeeeed.)
(Any idea when you might next be in the US? [Don't think I don't realize it's probably my turn to make the trip to y'all in NZ...])
(And I should be over for MJ. :D PS We are having a spreadout Birthday Year party down here (half my U2 fandom people are 1981 babies, so we figured we shoudl make a zero-birthday with a big plan) and you are most, most invited should that be practical for you at any point in the year. <3)
(Re: 2011:
(And yaaaaaaaaaaay MJ INDEED. Unless things shake out differently I can't get out there early at all - my leave situation is going to be tight again, and i want to try and come back the week of/after Easter so I can maximise "time in the US" on days that I do not need to trade leave for. :D
And my birthday year absolutely can. For one, most of U2 fandom isn't really so U2 fandomy anymore, and for another we've expanded well outside our original borders with other people anyway, it's just a convenient catchall for the five or six of us who are 81 kids. Also I remain jealous of people who were around to experience all the awesome music and cool stuff i was too young for. (aaaaaah Joshua Tree why was i six when you came out. (don't talk to me about Spencer Smith. it's depressing to realise my favourite song (Where the Streets Have No Name) is OLDER THAN ALL OF PANIC. Good grief. (SO MANY PARENTHESES.))))
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