Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Jul 21, 2007 16:39

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harry potter

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Comments 31

melissa2u July 21 2007, 04:44:48 UTC
You are incredibly cute. Izzy and I agree.

That is all. Have fun!


shihadchick July 21 2007, 04:48:40 UTC
Ahhh, I don't even know what to think, Mel. I want to talk to people and flail at them, except I don't know what to say. I FAIL COHERENCY.

Dear internets: READ FASTER OMG.


melissa2u July 21 2007, 04:53:17 UTC
I told Izzy you said read faster and she said "STFU! I haven't even gotten the book yet."

Cause she's in line. 8 more minutes! And she won't even get to read it until Wednesday.

You can say what you want to me, though really? It won't mean anything to me aside from me being amused by you.


shihadchick July 21 2007, 04:58:39 UTC
She is exempt from my "read faster!"ing because I know she doesn't have a chance for a couple days. Because work is made of stupid!

Oh yeah, I forgot that there's internal time zone stuff as well for you guys.

Dude, I don't even know what I want to say, except oww, my headache needs to go away again so I can have Thoughts.


confluencekid July 21 2007, 04:59:36 UTC
Nothing surprised me. I was always in the 'Harry is a Horcrux' camp and a friend convinced me a few weeks ago re snape being in love with Lily, although the childhood friends thing was a nice touch. I was frustrated at the continued lack of info about harry's background; what did Lily and James DO after they left hogwarts apart from being in the order? had they thrice defied voldy because of order work? although admittedly they were younger than i thought when they died. but again if they were so young when they had harry why were both sets of his grandparents dead? She could really have called it 'dumbledore and the deathly hallows' and been more accurate ( ... )


shihadchick July 21 2007, 05:14:55 UTC
I called a lot of things (which surprised me, actually), and I agree to an extent about the epilogue - I think in large part it's going to be more there for a) the people who go straight to the back to read the last couple pages first and b) the younger ones who need more of a reassurance after the ending. Does that make sense? I realise book binding involves even numbers of pages and all, but I think the fact there's a blank page between the end of the book and the epilogue is a spacer in more than just physical ways. I think it read a lot more grownup than the others - in terms of writing style, too - and I kind of like that - I think some kids might struggle, yes, but there's also so many people who've grown up WITH the books that I think it works for me ( ... )


confluencekid July 21 2007, 05:32:48 UTC
Yeah I hadn't thought of the epilogue in terms of reassurance but that makes sense. I think she should have called one of harry and ginnys kids 'fred' though ;)

I really truly thought neville was a goner too! He was so brave getting that sword. I had wondered if she'd twist the whole prophecy thing and bring neville in there somewhere so i'm glad he got to do something vital.

Hedwig was too quick for me, I was like 'what, um ok so hedwigs dead already,thats it?' so I didn't get emotionally involved but yeah Dobby was tough.

I would never in a million years have picked the bartender thing or that it was aberforth so go you!:)

I loved Dudley at the beginning and that Percy came back in the end. I felt a lot of empathy for draco which surprised me.

We didn't get home with ours till nearly 12 as stupid, dumb etc etc paper plus had the WORST queuing system ever! grrrrr.


shihadchick July 21 2007, 05:41:19 UTC
I think probably one of them is/will be called that - there's no reason to assume ALL the kids were at the station, right? *grin* Either that or George (and probably Angelina, because this is a kids book and so marriage is most likely going to be between people we've seen together already) beat them to it ( ... )


maccaj July 21 2007, 08:10:30 UTC
Remus was shafted, I am so very fucking pissed, which is a shame because other than that, I enjoyed it.

Anyway, I created remus_lives because I needed a place to practice group denial.

comment spam meeee, I want to talk about it!


shihadchick July 23 2007, 09:51:07 UTC
Aaaaaack, how did I not see this to comment to yesterday? *faaaaaaails*

I am really sad about Remus, too (I keep flipflopping back and forth over whether I'm more upset about him or Fred (or, um, Dobby)), but I am kind of selling it to myself as "okay at least now he can go be happy with Sirius AND Tonks (oh Mercedes Lackey, you are so USEFUL as a template sometimes! *grin*) in the afterlife and won't be discriminated against horribly anymore" which is, okay, still sucky but helps me feel better.

*belated comment spam*! *waves frantically in your direction*


maccaj July 24 2007, 03:48:49 UTC
heee. for me it wasn't so much that he died as how he was kind of an "also dead", you know? I mean, I didn't expect Harry to run over and cradle lupin's head in his lap or anything, cause he didn't have time, but to get nothing *after*... We got a mourning scene for Dobby and Fred and Mad-Eye and Hedwig and hell, for George's ear. Which is as it should be, but then Lupin got jack, and I just can't believe that Harry would be like "my last living link to my parents is dead, *yawn*."

I think she should have replaced that "fanfic as written by the author" epilogue with a scene where Harry takes Teddy to Remus' grave (or a war memorial or something) and tells him about his dad. He's supposed to be Teddy's godfather, after all, and yet we don't even get to *see* Teddy.

So yeah. I liked the book, but the way that was handled is just... *twitch*



buzzylittleb July 21 2007, 13:50:31 UTC
Okay, next time I need to read posts carefully before clicking. Clearly, I am retard, but I am retard who wants to say "In the City of Seven Walls" a) ouch and b) did it get finished?


shihadchick July 21 2007, 14:31:46 UTC
Oh, god, I am so, so sorry. I hope you didn't see too much you didn't want to.

It is rather ow so far, it did get finished, just recently, and... it's half past two in the morning and I'm still reading (Chris came over, there was a disc of the West Wing interrupting my reading, heh) and oh my god, I do not learn at all. *keeps reading, figuring she probably only has about 30 000 words to go* eek.


buzzylittleb July 21 2007, 14:38:50 UTC
Don't worry too much. While I probably saw more than I wanted to (I might be as dumb as a pile of rocks, but my brain reads fast), nothing really traumatised me. Hell, I wasn't emotionally invested enough to buy HBP (which I still haven't got, making my parents bringing home DH strangely redundant. I had bought Wintersmith (or hatful of sky) instead. Pterry could probably teach JKR a lot about writing teenagers.) Plus, after Sirius, pfft. I think I'm beginning to see a pattern in JKR's character deaths, they are all either responsible adults or characters we don't know enough to care about and/or have been getting on our nerves.

It was incredibly ow when I read it. I'm not sure I want to put myself through that much pain. I might go and read f/k bondage fic instead. *happy grin*


shihadchick July 21 2007, 14:45:04 UTC
Okay. (And, oh, I am so wired the same my there myself, yes) and fair enough, yes. And, oh, Pterry. MUCH love for him. And you've just reminded me that I need to reread Wintersmith, thank you.

Yeaaaaaah. I am hoping like hell she went for the happy-as-possible ending in the end. Still not quite there. I feel that is an EXTRMELY WISE alternative. Heee. Ohh, boys...


punkrawkpyro July 22 2007, 06:49:32 UTC
One of my favorite parts, honestly? When Molly went all badass. Yep.

Also, v. glad Harry didn't die. I really wasn't sure. Particularly when she started killing off people so early. Honestly, I think this is 'cause Serenity has completely fucking broken my "they're gonna die" sense. Thanks a lot, Joss. Broke my deathdar.

Shame about Lupin and Tonks, though. I wanted to see them as parents. Kinda surprised Sirius was actually dead, too. It was so up in the air, especially compared to Dumbldore's "Dead deadity dead dead McDeadface" funeral.

Aaaaaaannnd, I only finished about two hours ago, so that's the most coherent thoughts I have.


shihadchick July 23 2007, 09:48:25 UTC
Ooh, yes. I REALLY liked that, too. And do I remember correctly that we maybe have canon for it having been Bellatrix who killed the Prewetts? Because then it makes even MORE sense for Molly to be the one, there. I was so worried that there'd end up being some kind of mutual annihilation thing there, and I couldn't stand the idea of the Weasleys losing anyone else.

I kinda figured he'd have to survive, if only because it'd be so hard to write him dying in a way that little kids would be okay with, and you KNOW that she'd get held responsible for the younger readers being heartbroken.

Fair, dude. *is STILL not coherent*


punkrawkpyro July 24 2007, 05:18:35 UTC
Well, I checked on the HPLexicon, and it looks like Molly's brothers were killed by a group of five death eaters. No definite names except "Antonin Dolohov". (Good on you for remembering her maiden name, though. I swear, the family trees in the series are so intertwined, I have no idea who's realated to anyone. You said "Prewett" and I was like "Wha?")

Poor Weasley family. Would've liked to have seen more of George's reaction, though. It's not unheard of for identical twins to go suicidal if one of them dies.

I wasn't sure, honestly. I mean, some big heroic death scene didn't seem out of the picture. But yeah, little kids and all, that does make sense.


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