Hey, has anyone else noticed how often they make mpreg jokes in the SGA commentaries? Just me, then?

Jul 02, 2007 22:26

Hi. Still not properly around, but feeling somewhat talky (blathery?) so, uh. Yes. I have lots to say, and I keep thinking of a million (it's Irish for ten!) interesting things to discuss or bat around inside my head at work and then I get near a computer and they all vanish into thin air so this may be somewhat disconnected.

Chris and I had a nice lazy Sunday, we kinda piked on the fandom chat by virtue of sleeping in and then going to visit N. and her four month old kitten (omg so cute) and basically spent four hours reading the sunday papers and admiring the fuzzy one. <3 (Yes, we're all dorks. :D) And then came back here and since I was headachey again I didn't want to take Chris home so she stayed over a second night (isn't it convenient that my brother's moved out? Hee.) and we watched some West Wing (which I find I can't watch too much of at once, because Sam Seaborn is so much like Daniel Jackson that it actually freaks me out (I know: my problems are not like other peoples'.)) which was very good (I may be more meta-y about it later? You know, when I have time and a brain?), and I made Chris rewatch the Dear Sweet Jesus Gayest Episode of NCIS, Ever with me (this episode is like: if I wasn't a due South fan? I'd call it one of the gayest straight acting hours of television ever. So. Much. Love.), so we did that, and Iced was just as excellent on second viewing as it was on the first, where I nearly tipped the cat off the bed flailing and then desperately wanted to phone everyone ever to squee about it, despite the fact it was 1am at the time. And we interrupted Iced with this week's CSI (email from Chris on Saturday: "tomorrow's CSI was really good! ...I like the tenses in that sentence.") which made me flail a very much lot (we were up to the episode with the boxer) because I realise I am totally one of the only people on the planet who is loving the Grissom/Sara thing, and they have been driving me insane this season with all the hinting until I am about to claw my own skin off for some actual solid detail/flashbacks (I am flailily desperate to know HOW and WHEN it all started, I just find it fascinating) and we got some nice hinty OTP-ish stuff this week and next week looks even more so, if the ads are not misleading me.

(My CSI shipping is complex. Okay, it's not. It's pretty much "any combination of Greg, Nick, Grissom and Sara makes me happy", oh, and I like Warrick/Catherine a lot too but I don't really feel a burning need to read or write about that. ...my CSI fangirling, on the other hand, is totally SHALLOW. ...aaaand everyone not from squeeful media fandom has just lost any shred of respect they had for me, haven't they? Heh. I love my dorky crime show. But yeah. Digression over, for the time being.)

I am also halfway through the latest Elizabeth Moon which Chris lent me, and really enjoying that. I think the trick is going to be to not accidently stay up till 1am tonight finishing it, because a) then I'll have nothing gripping to read at lunchtime tomorrow and b) I need to start early tomorrow, so late night would be even dumber than usual.

I am also feeling ridiculously much more in touch just from three hours of flailing like a drunken hippopotamus around livejournal tonight - which is one of those things that always makes me kick myself, because I have got to remember that my life is MUCH EASIER when I know what's going on with my people instead of when I'm wandering around in a tizzy going "omg I don't know what's going on too much to catch up with I give up *rereads something on paper for the millionth time instead*". I don't know how clear it is how much I miss you guys when you're (I'm) not around, but I really, really do.

And, apparently, the missing manifests itself in even more frequent-than-usual dreams too.

I don't entirely remember everything and all the details anymore, because this has been going on for a couple weeks now, but I know over the last while I have had long, vivid (tiring!) dreams pretty much every night without fail, and they've pretty much all featured at least one of my friends I haven't seen for ages. Like when I was attending a con that was being held on some fangirl's learjet that she was flying us around in, and I spent ages sitting on the carpet leaning against the wall telling lordessrenegade all about ruidoso and how cool she was, and another dream that had something to do with izzybeth that escapes me now (should've written it on paper that morning, I know) but left me super confused when I woke up because I was sure it was real and I couldn't work out where she was, and another one where I had an incredibly long conversation with stateless that entirely resolved a whole bunch of problems I was having in the dream, and even when I woke up I couldn't remember detail from that one, I just had this all-consuming sense of goodwill all day from it, and I really did feel like I'd spent hours just talking to Court.

And I know I had a really long and complicated dream about Liz and Kat and family which incorporated the ice-covered mountain, with the steep steep roads and suspension bridge that is a recurring dream (but that I don't think about/talk about that often because then it hits my sense of the ridiculous and I feel like VANYEL and laugh hysterically at myself) and very unsettling, but the Liz-and-Kat portions of it were all nice and chatty and hanging out with my people.

So, yeah, it's late and I didn't get as much done as I had hoped, but hey, I started, so. And now, off to try and wrangle a couple more tabs before bedtime.

Oh, and Final Thought for the day: in the middle of the day I had a sudden vivid flashback to "it's funny because of the death!" (both the initial quote in the plague van on the M4, and the time when Izzy SLAYED ME DEAD with it during Goblet of Fire) and just about laughed myself stupid at no clear provocation. It's no wonder my workmates think I'm nuts.

west wing, dreams, ncis, csi, my friends are made of awesome, england04, quote!

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