"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."

May 29, 2007 21:30

Oh, this is so deeply frustrating. I feel like I'm missing a bookshelf, or something, and I have gone past the point of "huh, that's weird" to "*runs around in circles tearing out hair shrieking 'where book where??;;' like a demented LOL-harpy*" First I couldn't find any of my Maurice Gee books. Then I couldn't find my SeaQuest DSV novelisation DON'T JUDGE ME OKAY, which in theory should be on the same shelf as that, but I can find a) the rest of my NZ kids books (mostly) and 2) the Secret Garden and Why the Whales Came, and those all used to be together, so wtf, self? And I feel like I'm missing SF/fantasy stuff, but I think this is possibly just because all the McCaffrey et all are in a cupboard where I can't see them.

And now I can't find my copy of Black Powder War which is frustrating the hell out of me because I don't remember lending it to anyone, it's not on the pile of books by my mum's bed (now featuring At Swim, Throne of Jade and Beka Cooper - guess who my mum has hand books off onto her all the time, go ahead, guess, :D), and it's not on any of my Shelves of Vaguely Fannish Things (which is where I think I would've put it) and aaaargh because I've read my way back up to it, and it's not technically out here yet anyway which means if I replace it I either have to order it and wait ages or pay $27 or so to get it from the local import bookstore and I am Veruca Saltwant it now. *pouts. a LOT.*(Did I lend it to any of you guys??)

This is incredibly frustrating, though. I hate having books double-stacked1 (though I've now gone through all the double-stacked shelves at least three times and still haven't found any of the missing books) and I clearly need to win lotto and buy a house. With a library. Which I can then quit work and devote myself full time to stocking and organising. And I can hire you guys as my assistants. And have a pony!

1This is a sad necessity, as the last time I bothered to count (about two years ago) I had going on eleven hundred books in my room THEN. Matters have- well, okay, I feel they have improved, but the space issue has not, despite the fact that my room is now 10% bed, 70% bookshelves along the walls.

Oh, and because I just found my 'lent out books' list thing and I know I don't have them back yet - you won't see this for ages I'm sure but for my reference? Chris, you still have two of my Rachel Caine books.

In other news, behind again, yadda yadda yadda, I went up north to Jo's farm on Sunday which was great fun, we had enormous amounts of food (it was like Enid Blyton stories but with thai curry instead of lashings of ginger beer), we visited cows, we picked wild pumpkins, and generally were caffeinated and mirthful, and because I'd got there late I stayed late and ended up driving the two hours or so of mostly-twisty-country-roads home in the dark (not so bad) in a car with a heater stuck on hot (not so fun) with a blinding headache which put me in bed at 7.30pm and unconscious by 8pm that night (reaaaally not so fun). But up until five minutes before I left which was when I felt the headache start, it was brilliant fun and I had a lovely drive up there, too. Monday night I ended up cooking dinner and then sacking out to watch CSI from Sunday (Kat, I emailed you my potentially spoilery conspiracy theory) and then I was going to go to bed early, except, well, I finished rereading Throne of Jade (still awesome!) at 10.05pm. And I thought, well, I just got my own copy of Falling Free last week, so I'll read that for about twenty minutes and then get an early night. ...yeah, to no one's shock I can now say with some certainty that it takes me precisely two and a half hours to read Falling Free cover to cover. And then I looked at the clock and went "oh shit it's half past twelve NIGHT GUY SO FIRED" and had the devil of a time actually getting up this morning. Sigh.

Tonight we still came third at pub quiz, but with a much higher score than ever before (yay us!), I shocked us all by knowing Tennessee Williams wrote a particular play, Mum was the only person in the room who knew who wears the Fisherman's Ring, we bombed our bonus round (dog questions) and we continue to get every James Bond question ever wrong, despite the fact I have seen them all 39402834 times. And given that it's pretty late again now I really am going to go to bed early, so... see y'all tomorrow, hopefully.

pub quiz, jo, birthdays, books, chris

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