Baaaa! (Ram! Ewe! /things that are only funny to Chris)

Apr 19, 2007 18:38

create your own personalized map of the USA
or check out ourCalifornia travel guide

And it might actually be 23 because I feel certain I have been to Connecticut, I just don't know WHY or when. Or possibly 'how' is a better question. Also, this took me ages and google maps to work out because the East Coast is all CONFUSING with all the little states clustered around New York state. And I realised Maryland for con.txt will not be a new state because we took the train through Baltimore (shut up it counts as being there okay!) in 2002 which I had totally forgotten until now. Though whenever I manage to visit Anti (I will! one day! damnit!) that will be. So whoot.

Oh GOD. My brother is explaining youtube and myspace to my mum in the kitchen. Must not. Leave. Room. Must not contribute to this conversation. HEEEEEEEEE.

*cannot stop sneezing*

In other news, I am still not really here, so... yeah. As you were, people.

EDIT: Oh, and I uploaded this on behalf of my mum, but I think some of you guys might be interested, too? It's 20s of video of tuis (the birds, not the beer!) in the bush up north. The bird song is pretty clear and comes through LOUD in the last 10s, the image is not so great, mostly because it's backlit, so. But have at, if you are interested!

Oh, and this isn't a drabble really or anything, I just have this image of Rodney (wiping his mouth, and smug and practically glowing in a way that is rather disturbing, really) flopping back onto the second bed in a hotel room and regarding the two (very beautiful, very hot, seriously: very, very hot, and also, did we mention? naked) women sprawled on the other bed with a mixture of proprietary glee and professional paranoia. And one of them will do the eyebrow raise thing and be all "okay, what?" and he'll blurt out "I'm just waiting for the point at which it becomes clear this is all a sick, sick joke on the part of whichever alien race is making us jump through hoops this week, because, seriously, two women? At once? And you two specifically? This does not happen to me. Clearly this is going to turn out to be-- to be wildly invasive fantasy VR, or ancient technology or something!" And the other woman will roll her eyes in a way that clearly suggests that maybe there are good reasons for the fact that, this interesting afternoon aside, it's been a while. "No, really," he'll insist, waving his hands wildly, "this is more the sort of thing that happens to Colonel Sheppard, you know?" and Sam Carter will just snicker behind one hand as she does something interestingly filthy with her free hand and Rodney will get all distracted all over again (because Samantha Carter and naked and, like so very few things in Rodney's life, the reality of that IS just as good as he'd always imagined) and he'll nearly miss Vala's dirty chuckle as she says, "Rodney, I must admit I am a little concerned at how often Colonel Sheppard comes up," and the expression on her face makes it clear that, alien or not, she's well aware of the double-entendre there, "in bed with you. Are we not sufficient to hold your attention?" and she'll pout then and it's that pout (the one that makes strong men cry in train stations (before they even notice her shoes! (which are, of course, fuck-me boots, because this is Vala Mal Doran))) and Rodney will fall all over himself to prove that he is, indeed, suitably employed in this little menage-a-trois.

Ahem. :D

fic, surprise: het!, disgustingly well-traveled, sga

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