(no subject)

Mar 05, 2007 19:34

So, I realised at work this afternoon - I missed Sunny's birthday. Which is today. Or, actually, by this point, yesterday. (Right?) So either way, sweetheart, I hope you had a great day, and that you got to spend it with friends and family, and that the coming year is filled with excellent things of much fantastic-ness. And I love you and am so glad you're my friend and OMG SEE YOU LIKE REALLY SOON. (Yes, I will get my tickets this week. /disorganised!girl)

* * *

Hee. I just spent ten minutes speculating on future plot arcs of Heroes with my mum. (We're concurrent with the NZ airing schedule1, please do not spoil us.) And if the spoiler I did accidently see means what I think it does, she totally called something complicated the right way, go mum! She started watching both Heroes and Ugly Betty because they're set in NYC and so she gets establishing-shot porn. Obviously, she uses different words, but that was totally the original impetus. We can all see how I'm related here, huh? :D

Er, in other news, I am tabs-go-splodey girl, because I had a wonderful evening at jessikast and laputain's flat watching Rocky Horror (and various other things, koff) and chatting, and it was so so much fun and they all looked splendid and dressed up and I was quite jealous (memo to self, remember to buy new Rocky suitable clothing, or at least some fishnets - you've only been planning to do so for nearly SIX YEARS) and it was great to find out new callbacks, too. Although I am sad because I plain forgot to do the GWB callback (I remembered today at work where it goes! Damnit!) and I screwed up "illegitimate love-child of R2D2 and a statement to prove it!" Ahwell. Must do it again. *firm nod* But then after said wonderful evening I got home at around 3am eventually and completely crashed - spent all of yesterday either at the kitchen table reading or in bed reading and/or watching SG-1 (Cameron Mitchell, I love you ETERNALLY for your response to parallel universes2) and then went to bed early and didn't get within prodding distance of the computer all day. Heh. Forgive my ensuing tardiness, flist.

Work was busybusybusy, I did a shit-ton of densities today and still no water (eeeeeeek) and am trying not to stress about it. I've been sleeping pretty badly lately (waking up a lot) so I'm going to try to go to bed early tonight, which since tonight is Heroes means computer goes off about nine-thirty, hell or high water, so... I'm gonna be slower than usual this week3. To the four or five of you on LJ I need to email, again, I can only apologise and bribe you with good!Cadbury easter eggs when I see you as penance, and to the two people I need to email who aren't on LJ, er... karma will somehow reward you for the fact I am a tool? I hope? Heh. Right. Reading! Oh, and feeding the kitty.

1 Episode 8. Well, Episode 9 airs tonight, so we've seen eight.
2 Essentially: "So that means in another universe I made it to second base with [some chick in high school]? Cool!"
3 Skip140. I WEEP. Actually, that's better than I was expecting. But still. WEEP.

work, sg1, rocky horror, shindig, quote!

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