"What could you do with a pukeko?" "Make stone soup?"

Dec 20, 2006 22:29

Oh my god, you know what? I give up on LJ until the weekend. At least until the weekend. I can't keep up right now. I know I had something important to say (and eight billion open tabs and haven't finished my Christmas shopping *kicks self in the head* and--) but, um. Yeah. That's my story. If something important comes up? Email me. If John and Rodney come out? Email me. Also, note I will not be surprised. :D

White-fonted comment that I don't want to jam back into my The Game post (highlight to read): OMG. How much do I love that of the six or seven reviews of this episode I've read so far? All but two use the phrase "pigtail-pulling". Fannish hivemind. F'serious. Also, everyone now thinks Gero, at least, is reading LJ, if not all the writers. Now they just have to give the women more to do and we'll be golden.

Today at work I was both bored out of my skull (afternoon, was v busy, just- not entirely mentally challenged, that's all, also? Murphy? THAT IS NOT AN INVITATION OKAY?) and totally awesome, in that I took apart an expensive and complicated piece of machinery by myself, removed the broken part, cut down a new jury-rigged part so it would fit, and put it all back together. And it worked. And I am AWESOME. And covered in filth. But at least double-gloving saved me from getting even more covered in grease than I already was. Though I think F. was fucking with me when he said I had grease on my nose, cos I can't see anything there now. *wins at butch, anyway* Uh... no, that's all I got. Back to reading.

Oh, and in news of the weird? Received a letter today from the Central Police Station. Saying they have my wallet in their lost and found. My wallet is in my BAG. (I, um. Checked. I am me, after all.) So I need to ring them tomorrow and work out if it really is something I/my family own, or if it's one of the very few other people with my last name's.

We got the most enormous tin in the world of danish sugar cookies and I'm not sure who from. However, they are delicious.

Last Edit Before Bed: Oh, and also? I am coughing so much I can barely breathe. Again. SO SICK OF THIS. And this is the third or fourth night in a row where this has whomped me around 10pm after only coughing a little during the day and just, ow, and also gah, and mrrh. *whimper* Also, it's just scary because, well, after last year, I'm crazy paranoid about coughing as it is, and then with Recent Misfortunes of the Flist as well, I just-- can't I be well again? I knew not getting sick all of winter was going to come back to bite me.

weird, work, life, mail, sga

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