Top Five Reasons Off the Top of My Head Why I Love the Internets Right Now:
1. My flist includes phrases like "midget revenge anthem". *hearts
2. Joan asterisk-annexed her neighbour's flat in response to my a) threatening to visit and b) invoking the Scooby Doo catchphrase. LOVE.
3. Mum just yelled down from the kitchen requesting etymology on football a) as the proper noun and b) as a game per se and I had results inside of two minutes. As Kat just said - the internets win at being, well, the internets.
4. The fact I can watch Windows in the Skies a billion times in a row, thanks to the wonder that is youtube. Though, okay, if I did that? My data cap would come to life and hunt me down with its deadness. But STILL.
5. I haven't found it yet, but the Law of Fandom states that somewhere on the internet there is Abby/Vala (NCIS/SGA) fic. And one day? I will find it.
* * *
In other news, as I text-spammed Court this morning - Window in the Skies has taken up residence in my brain, I have gone from having heard it three times (last night) to having heard it APPROXIMATELY THIRTY times (now). I figured out how to work the repeat-one-song thing on the 'pod With No Name just for it, I was three minutes late to work because I had to put it on first iTunes and then the pod, and in conclusion, can I take it intravenously? I know I'm very much in a minority here, and I don't want to be all "omg I am DIFARENT!" and nor does it bug me if the majority doesn't agree, but I woke up itching to hear it and, well. Am now the addict you see before you. If I felt up like using the mental muscle I'd also be tempted to meta-wank in the direction of it being the Bible Stories For Children edition of Until the End of the World (which is also not a value judgment), at least for the first verse-chorus. Hi, I was really bored at work this afternoon. Despite being busy.
Fresh apricots yay! And, watching NCIS for the first time in about a month, and Abby's pajamas are SO CUTE. *hearts*