uno dos tres catorce!

Nov 13, 2006 21:57

Three random things:
1. It's my mum's birthday today, so a happy birthday to her (may she never see this), because she is wonderful and I adore her and she is a fantastic, awesome, brilliant mother. <3
2. Which means it is also packt's birthday (yes, I just typed out "colorsinmyeyes", hello habit of years!) as well, so, Cheryl? I hope you had a great birthday and wish you all the best for settling into Denver and just... yay. Love you very much and I will hopefully get to see you again sometime next year. *firm nod*
3. I totally wrote RPSRPF (stupid het! making me change the acronyms of five years!) at work today. Not just at lunch time. But while I was waiting for stuff to get crushed. Because all I can physically do at that point is watch two gauges, so... ten minutes of writing! Hee. Except due to it being mum's birthday I was Social all evening and thus haven't a) finished it or b) typed it up. Even though it is Short. Hopefully tomorrow. (Also, for reasons that do not bear exploring at this juncture it would just be weird to be posting a present for joandarck on my mum's birthday.:D)

Two disturbing things about today:
1. T. asked me if I have a blog. I have this thing where it's not just that I am really really bad at prevaricating, but, pretty much, unless it's something stupid and meaningless, I just can't lie (seriously, do you people know how much this sucks? A. LOT.) and so I said 'yes' and then did my best impression of a cloak-of-vast-information by talking a LOT to distract from giving further info. This also meant having to explain what a blog IS to N. and B. who happened to be in the lounge at the same time. Eek.
2. Then, um, somehow SGA came up in conversation (I did NOT START IT! Really!) and that somehow led to me offering B. hi res pictures of Joe Flanigan because she has a crush on him and, um, do you know how HARD it is to rapidly scroll through your pics file and make sure the three people standing over your shoulder don't notice the (thankfully mostly tame) manips tucked in there? They made me open a bigger size of one of the motivationals I had saved (the "Colonel Sheppard: This haircut cost two hundred dollars and the Air Force still haven't realised" one) but luckily none of them seemed to twig to the implication. Ahahaha. *facepalm* But B. will as of tomorrow have a McShep wallpaper on her work computer which I am enjoying way too much in a completely subversive way.

One rec:
Rodney and John as Calvin and Hobbes. This works frighteningly well. (art, work-safe.)

special like turnbull, recs, mum, sga

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