(no subject)

Nov 10, 2006 23:36

Today I have:

  • had a power cut (in the calm normal weather of today. Go figure).
  • had the internet be out for a further two hours as consequence of said power cut.
  • finished reading two books as a consequence of having nothing else to procrastinate with.
  • then got really annoyed because I've read everything on my bookshelves** 'too recently' to feel like rereading any of it, and don't want to start any of the four unread books I have at the moment. My life is pain and suffering, etc.
  • read a fic using "lathed" instead of "laved" and snickered at great length with Chris.
  • maybe a bitalit ordered four seasons of SG1 from DeepDiscountDVD because Barb is a gem among humanity and pointed out they're having a sale. It's half what I would normally pay here! And I have, um, a decent wodge of money coming in hopefully soon as a consequence of everyone but Chris (and N. and J., but they're turning up late so I may not see them there) bailing on U2 with me and leaving me with extra tickets. (Having said that, I do realise no one who bailed did so willingly, so.)
  • eaten way too much smoked fish but mmmmmmmyummy. Smoky fish make feel nice!
  • got a helluva lot done at work (yay me!) but also managed to pretty much cover the entire floor with rock at one point, by mistake. WHY AM I SO KLUTZY??
  • realised I never actually linked to this once it was free to do so, so, uh... if anyone is interested? Best Laid Plans [Lorne/Novak] aka, the fic I wrote for the sga_secondary challenge. Fic number... two or possibly three of the recent het arc. Huh. :)

  • **For the record? This isn't a particularly modest number of books, either. Heh. I am just picky.

    u2, fic, work, sg1, vertigo 06, sga fic, sga

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