Dirt is good!

Nov 07, 2006 22:19

Okay, you know what? Despite the ascendant crazy, I was WAY funnier (and probably funner) last year. I am going back through last November on the trail of- the killers of Fraser's father, actually, to be quite honest. Well, to try and nail down my rekindled-due-South-love!anniversary. I know it was the day that I was all 'omg, what is so funny, LINK ME OMG" at Izzy, I just don't recall which day that was.

Probably I could track back using Froggie's LJ, but I will leave that for later if I can't find it in my own. As I have a bunch of stuff to do, not least of which is SHOWER AGAIN as I am hilariously filthy again. We had to move a very very heavy thing for maintenance (like, we're talking 40 - 50kg, 200 or so pounds) and while there is a certain joy in the proper application of leverage (...look, I'm weird, just go with it), there was also an unexpected meeting of, well, my entire person with three feet of greased support rod which has left grease stains all over the left side of my good work shirt and

...no, I didn't go stand in the bathroom and take a photo before making attempt #1 to scrub, why do you ask? And I definitely didn't work out how to email photos to Kat HI I WIN FOR CO-DEPENDANT! *g* This wasn't the worst smudge of it, but it was the only one I could a) aim the phone at steadily and b) hold in the light coming through the window. Hi. *is CLASSY*

Also, pls to ignore how ginormous my arm looks. *hides*
But, yes, so that was all very exciting even if our workspace looks kind of like a tornado hit at the moment. Appropos of nothing: someone really really needs to make a RayK vid to Counting the Beat. Is driving me crackers.
Aside: You would not BELIEVE how hard it is to find a single 22mm spanner in an enormous mechanical workshop. *mutters* [ed. note: I found our spanner easily, it was just that I needed two and, well, easier said than done. Hee.]

One Last Edit: So, the first mention of due South in my journal? Yeah, it's TODAY a year ago. *wins hardcore* *squishes Canadians*

work, due south

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