"You know, the staffs aren't just for fighting. They have Jaffa baseball as well. See?"

Oct 23, 2006 17:24

Scooting on really freakin late (so, so sorry) to say a very very happy birthday to Ms izzybeth. I gather from the text I just got that you got snow for your birthday, so that's cool, though I hope, of course, that you get to be warm and snugged up inside with hot drinks and good company (be it personal or, you know, books and videos and music) and just... so very, very much love to you. I was thinking yesterday that this marks the sixth of your birthdays I've been around for, and that we've spent approximately 25 of the last 300 weeks together. Which is, frankly, amazing, and I only wish it was more time. Move to Wellington SOON, okay? I love you dearly, and I wish I could be there to say so in person. (And, uh, I would've called to say so but a) I definitely did NOT want to wake you up if you were trying to sleep, and I couldn't recall if you were working last night or no (it seems yes) and b) I'm losing my voice and can't really hear, so that doesn't work so well.)

So, yes. I hope you had a great day and that this heralds the start of a fabulous year. Kia kaha, babe.


* * *

And, in other news, I am wrecked and work tomorrow is going to be... challenging, and character building, and all those frightful types of adjectives, and so pretty much I'm postponing even vaguely attempting to catch up on the weekend until Later. Because I made the - some may say 'foolish' - decision to let Armageddon eat my weekend which, you know, I would not change for the worlds (though I had some pretty dire moments of 'I hate people and wish they would exist elsewhere', cramped spaces + flu = not!happyClaire) despite feeling rotten, I now suspect I will be paying for it. Which means lying down and trying to relax a bit. I seem to have managed to video half the SGA panel (from the front row! go me!) before being struck by battery issues, if it turns out okay I'll work out a means of distributing to those interested parties later. I did bail on half of Summer Glau's panel today because I realised I'd forgotten to eat again and was feeling not-great, but came back to hear more of that, and then I stayed for the SG1 panel a second time, too.

The Stargate franchise actors as a whole seem to be marvellous at this whole convention speaking/Q+A session thing, and are just so, so entertaining and, um, I realise this makes me a bad person but I SO hope Colin Cunningham likes boys too because that would be ADORABLE. And he was wearing this shiny shiny wristcuff that I kept trying to photograph because it was HOT. Hi, I am shallow. And my love for David Nykl grows exponentially with every passing minute (you have to respect a man who makes sex noises over Jason Momoa!) and Rachel Luttrell's voice is absolutely stunning, really. (See, it's not ALL about slash. Just, uh, largely. *winning smile*) I mean, I know I've snarked over the Gift and all, but. Wow. Seriously, a fantastic voice. And David Nykl apparently tap dances and they were joking about a musical episode and talked about a scene which the team basically took the piss out of it and played it AS musical theatre and oh god, seriously, I want outtakes SO BADLY. Because that would be fucking brilliant to see. I suspect my phone call to katrin cut out really early when it, er, ran out of money *sparkles*. I realised I'd forgotten to put money on it after I was already there, and didn't want to waste the thirty cents to text and be all "the phone will die, just hang on til it does!" Hopefully you got some of it? Where I was sitting was actually really dark, so I couldn't see the phone display at all.

Yesterday was fantastic as well - I saw the Buffy and Serenity panels (and, omg, Tom Lenk from Buffy? BRILLIANT. I really enjoyed Andrew, and he is fantastic as a guest, too) and then I was planning to go sit in Starbucks, have coffee and write my due oh-so-fucking-soon-DOOMED fic but then on the way out after the Buffy panel I literally ran into blademistress and stickmarionette - for the second time that day (NZ is thisbig) - and so we went into Borders and lurked and tidied their shelves and mourned the lack of Emperor's New Groove DVDs, and then we sat in Starbucks with coffee (my pumpkin spice latte was not at all pumpkiny, very disappointing after last year's awesome ones in Chapters) for, um, nearly three hours talking about fic and fandom and politics and general stuff and it was AWESOME. And then I realised it was six o'clock and I was meant to be meeting Chris and hadn't eaten all day which was, uh, a mistake, and then Chris and I saw Serenity on the big screen again, which was gorgeous, and fantastic and I honestly believe it's one of the best movies I've ever seen, but I forget how emotionally exhausting it is for me, so I was absolutely wiped afterwards, and then Chris was super double fantastic with mashed potatoes on top and made me dinner at her house and we watched CSI and then I came home and, uh, went to bed. And by 'went to bed' I mean 'read two books and coughed my lungs out and couldn't sleep until well after 1am because I couldn't stop coughing'. Boo sucks to that.

Oh god. Dog next door has been whining/barking for the last THREE HOURS. It went for about five on Friday night. I am so close to just calling the SPCA but we're already on the outs with, um, pretty much all of our neighbours nowadays (don't ask) and just. Gah.

Going off to collapse/read/veg now. Love to all.

sg1, izzy, birthdays, armageddon, summer glau, sga

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