Sometimes I disgust even myself.

Oct 15, 2006 21:43

As usual, weekend didn't quite go to plan.

-Wrote Frannie/Fraser for SDP. Which was, I tell you, tricky. And not just because omgwtf_het?! Heh. But, I did it! And am weirdly pleased by the fact it came out okay.
-Went to Chris' house and ate the famous Seville Oranges icecream which is, omg, so fucking GOOD. Envy me, flist. Because, YUM. We also watched the next two SGA episodes we're up to (this is the maximum I can fit on a DVD+RW as a dvd, since her computer doesn't have a dvd-drive and thus the usual eight or so avi's to a disc thing doesn't work), which was cool, I again outed myself as a freak for still finding Sheppard hot in Converted.
Chris, on the establishing shot we get of the Aurora: "I want that lego set!" HEE.
-Also watched the first episode of Heroes at Chris', which I quite like so far, we both are very SQUEE over Hiro because, seriously, that is some quality awesome in that character. Will be interested to see how it develops.
-Watched the SG-1 episodes 1969 and the Fifth Race, also at Chris', because apparently I am JUST that special that when I grab a boxset of DVDs I don't, you know, check that it's season ONE. Oops.

...note how all those accomplishments belong to Saturday? Yeah. Today I sat on my ass, whined more, ate a bunch of M&Ms (too much sugar, compensating now with salted popcorn, um, okay, I'll be healthy in my next life? Oops.), didn't write anything I was hoping/planning to this weekend or, in fact, even watch anything new. Though Kat and I did have a squeefest over the Return for the umptybillionth time, but, well. That was necessary. :D Oh, wait, I did actually manage to answer SOME comments/emails, and leave a bit of FB, so I was less dire in terms of what I did get done than I feel like I was.

I just feel like I've been asleep all day (stupid necessary sleeping in, wastes time and leaves me just as not-awake) so hopefully tomorrow work will wake me up enough to be functional, but not so much that I'm worn out. I do wonder what it says about me that I refrained from hooking the iTrip up at work last week NOT because I have potentially embarrassing podfic/due South geekery loaded onto it, but because I am terribly afraid that if I shift the radio dial we will lose the delicate tuning job we currently have to keep us sane.

Okay, so mostly I'm just posting now because I hate looking back X-many years or months down the track and not knowing Wot I Did that week/day/whatever, so, here endeth the LJ post. Gotta work out whether to watch something or just go to bed crazy early. Hrm. (Also, has anyone got confirmation yet if the Frames are playing only Aussie BDOs or if we get them too? Inquiring minds, etc.)

heroes, fic, big day out, sg1, due south, sga

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