The internet is for prawn. And cat photos.

Sep 20, 2006 22:09

So, theoretically he sleeps on either a rug we can wash frequently (a lot of our rugs are 'good' ones or too much of a pain to wash too often) or a towel (as pictured!) on the end of my bed. However, because he is a CAT, we all realise that this 'theory' applies pretty much to 'the first few minutes when you're keeping an eye on him' and after that, well, he has dominion over all he surveys. Or so he feels, at least.

I was fiddling with camera settings, and I think this is the nicest one I got of him, full stop. *is not babytalking him. much.* I did take all of these at night, so there was flash employed, which also led to feline threats against my person and ability to sleep a full night because, well, the moq is not so keen on Bright Lights OMG! I didn't actually get any where you can see his face properly because there just hasn't been enough light. Perhaps as the days get longer (YAY) and I get home earlier (HAR DE HAR HAR). Also, I was messing about and I took one of him in negative and, omg. Seriously. There were no words for the cute. All his black parts went white (well, duh) and his white parts went sort of bluey-black, and, oh, alterna-light!Zak was possibly the cutest kitty in the non-real-world.

See what I'm saying? Less than ten minutes pass and the towel is a lost cause. He almost always sleeps with tail tucked under one paw, I think this is because otherwise he has to chase it. I do not reccommend having a cat who has to chase his tail - while standing in the bathtub - at 4am. Because, good tawg, what a racket. Luckily he only chooses to do that when we have deeply displeased him, or more than three or four times a year. Or so.


Okay, no, really, I got nuthin' else. I'm fried, despite feeling vaguely like I didn't do all that much today (I did plenty, just a) not much more than usual and 2) didn't hardly make a dent in the to do list so it feels lessened) and so I think I gotta try and cope with a few emails and then bed. Possibly try and write a bit. Meetings (ie, times when I cannot do anything unnoticed) tend to spark ideas so I should try and expand from the shorthand I used in my notebook.

[Paraphrased] text conversation which cracked my shit up:
Kat: "You know what's funny about "crustacean" [as a euphemism]? It's like LOBSTERS."
Me: "OH MY GOD. *is ded by giggling* Vampires from Outer Space want to eat our lobsters!" [minutes pass, I am struck by a thought and have to send her another text] "No, wait! Thought. To you, Michael IS a vampire lobster from Outer Space!"

If anyone else who was on england04 wants to jump in here and explain Vampire Lobsters From Outer Space that would be stellar. Because I missed out on most of the genesis of it and also, see above, re: fried.

I'm fully justified in mocking someone on trademe who asked for measurements in centimetres of something I'm selling when they're listed on the site in mm, right? Right? *is mean*

And, speaking of E!04: Happiest of happy happy birthdays to my Antigone, who I will pounce upon and wax eloquent over on her stateside-birthday tomorrow. Or later today. As it's like 5am there. Either way. Happy birthday, sweetheart, and much much love. *sends Wes, Hobbie and various Irishmen bearing cake*

kat, zak, picspam, birthdays, england04, quote!, antigone

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