Tuesdays are for Thwarting

Sep 19, 2006 23:46

Went to get coffee this morning. Rejoiced for the bloke who makes the best coffee was there and on the machine as I walked in. Facepalmed as he went on break literally ten seconds before the other girl took my order.

Left work really late, then heard an ad for the U2 DVD at the Warehouse on the radio within seconds of getting into the car.  Figured 'what the heck, I'm late already, it's a sign' and hauled ass to the Warehouse.  No DVDs.  They're advertising them specifically on the radio, they have them "in the store" as of this morning, but they're "somewhere in the stock room" and will be put on the shelves "some time this week".  I want my MZooTV. *pout* So that displeased me rather as it was kind of a wasted trip. Then I was further displeased (seriously, sharpen up, Big Red Shed) to hear instore ads mentioning Christmas (no. just... NO.) and then I got positively narked because I wandered past the bargain book tables and saw two of the Tanya Huff books that I spent more than I would have liked to on for $5 each. Damnit. And then I saw some really pretty hardback Narnia books that I may actually get when I go back for ZooTV because, well, pretty. But mostly it was a bunch of minor thwartings, and after all that I got home really really late and may have, uh, had half a packet of salt and vinegar chips for dinner. Because I was feeling too crotchety to try and do anything ambitious like, say '2 minute noodles' or whatever.

Oh, and also? I forgot my lunch. Which meant I had to go out and buy it which given that we're not terribly close to anything is more an inconvenience than a treat. My hand to god, I think this was a plainclothes Thursday.

Also, the mail continues to be mostly a no joy situation. Parcel from Canada? Still in parts unknown. Other package from the States? Okay, maybe hasn't been sent yet, but I was hoping for Friday/Monday and now it's Tuesday.

However. Having whined about all that, I did assuage some of my grumpiness at the Warehouse by finding the Wall for $14 (so pretty! such a pretty case!) and even if the guy did nearly mangle it trying to put it back together it's still in good shape, and I have chocolate fish. And, most exciting of all, mail was not entirely a write off because I have a pretty postcard featuring bald Hungarian Communists from _unhurt_. Which it looks like she wrote in a calligraphy pen? (Possibly a staedtler thin tip? Um, am I just making things up now or are my years of running stationery coming in handy?) Anyway, postcardy awesomeness from for'n parts! Which, essentially? Means I win. \s/

Oh, and also - happy birthday katrielle! Not sure if you'll see this, so I'll try to email you tomorrow proper as well, but I hope you're having a good one, chicken.

u2, unhurt, narnia, zoo tv, mail

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