(no subject)

Sep 10, 2006 01:05

Okay, so normally I'd be kicking myself a lot for flunking out of the challenge, but, um. I just got to see McKay and Mrs Miller and frankly anything I have to say to myself has to filter though a thick layer of glee so, yannow. Guilt and second-guessing later. Mindless squee now. (Really, though, I tried. I mean, I did. I have fifteen hundred words worth of failed attempts, say nothing of the crap I deleted, it just...wasn't in the mood. Or something. Maybe Ray had to wash his hair. Who knows?)

[ETA: Wait a minute. I know you people. Fine, fine, go ahead and get the scriptile dysfunction jokes out the way now. *throws peanuts at everyone except the allergic people*]

Tomorrow I have to tidy up my room, go grocery shopping, watch SGA again, put a bunch of crap up on trademe before my mother disowns me and get all of this done before 1pm when people may start coming over for partylike goodness. And by that I mean me and Chris making Neha watch Ride Forever with us and me making everyone watch Vertigo: Chicago when they get here later because, well, it's my party and I'll... have some kind of music related freak out if I want to. Or something.

Got to talk to Emma for a while earlier this evening which was great fun (though I fear I may have talked her ear off) but still, so good to hear familiar voices. Roll on November! And texted back and forth with Izzy, uh, forever. Hey, I suppose if I fail at porn I may as well share the snippet I tried to kill her phone with (apparently 8 texts at once is too much. WHO KNEW.)

Apparently if you get Ray Kowalski tipsy enough, he starts singing. ABBA. The Monkees. Show tunes. Wandering happy-drunk on and off the pavement, stumbling along Halsted with his arm around Fraser's shoulders.

Apparently if Ray Kowalski nearly steps out in front of a speeding van, the first thing Benton Fraser does after yanking him back onto the sidewalk is to lose his cool, completely, for the very first time that Ray has ever seen him.

The second thing is sort of related to the first and involves Fraser's tongue in Ray's mouth.

There's probably going to be a smart aleck comment about believing in daydreams any second now.

...except Ray's mouth really is a little too occupied for that.

PS: Unsurprisingly, have enormous crush on Kate Hewlett. Okay, I did before I even saw her act. Because she's all cute and funny in her blog. But. Seriously. Gorgeous lady, great voice, smart. Very very appreciative over here!!

friends, izzy, ds, emma, sga

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