you CAN'T make this shit up

Aug 19, 2006 23:04

...that was the best coincidence EVER. My mum and I are both howling with laughter over the exact same thing in two wholly different media.

Me (watching SG-1): *laughs hysterically to the point of coughing and having to go get water*
Mum (reading a Janet Evanovich book): *cracking up loudly* "Careful!"
Me: "I am! Just, they just took the piss out of the Wizard of Oz!" *still giggling helplessly*
Mum: "...I was just laughing at Grandma Mazur looking like the Wicked Witch of the East! After the house fell on her!"
Me: *dying of laughter even MORE* "THE HOUSE JUST FELL ON SOMEONE."
Both of us: *cackling*

And, I was reminded at dinner, where I nearly opened my big trap to tell this story but - THANK TAWG - remembered myself in time and did NOT, that I never did actually mention Wednesday to you lot. So, I spent the latter part of the drive from work to town (about fifty klicks all up) getting infuriated by the way that no one can freaking drive, seriously, I have lost my zen. After seven or so years of coping with that crap, I took four months off (ie, since I've been working in the direction of least traffic flow) and now I just don't want to bother with it, but I digress. Anyway, I was working up this awesomely ranty post about the matter in my head, but all of that went flying when it came to park. I got to Parnell, thought "oh thank fuck" and went to try and find a park.

Went a ways up the main road, tried to avoid being taken out by buses and the like and then found what looked like a really good spot on the side of the road, only there was a car parked pretty badly right in front of it, and with that car there, mine would have been hanging out about a half a meter over the lines at the end of the spot. And since our parking wardens are very johnny-on-the-spot these days, I really didn't want to risk it. And then I realised there was a guy sitting in the car ahead of me so, 'awesome,' thinks I, 'I'll just pull in behind him, he'll hopefully either leave soon and I can drive straight up, or he'll see me and go forward into his space properly and all will be happy. Score!'

Then after I'd been sitting there for maybe five or six seconds, this chick comes running up to the car from the building we're parked beside, leans over and says something through the window, and then gets in. So I think 'cool, he's picking her up from work or whatever, now they'll leave, great! Close park, go me!' BUT NO. She gets in. Leans over to kiss him, which, you know, normal, whatever, I don't care, just get a move on sometime soon, people. And they continue to not move. Nor to turn on their car or the lights or the engine or anything.

So I'm sitting there tapping the steering wheel and upping the colourful-ness of my comments. And then, she bends over. And I think '...hang on, what?' And I wait a minute or so, but they're still not going anywhere and hey, guess what, I totally can't see the girl any more. So I think, 'no fucking way, come on, assholes, MOVE IT, I have obviously been brainwashed by fanfic.' And then I give up, pull out, and drive past and catch a brief look of the guy's face, and yes. I COMPLETELY got screwed out of a parking spot by a guy getting a blowjob.

However, the parking space I got in the end was MILES closer so, really, they did me a favour. But still. *torn between skeeved out and terribly amused*

you can't make this shit up

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