(no subject)

Jul 28, 2006 20:59

Um, so, if anyone needs me? I'm hiding somewhere from Izzy's wrath.

...yeaaaaaaaaaaah. :D *is proud. and a Bad Person.*

I remain somewhat traumatised from my midday venture to buy lunch (for only the third time in three months! this is a fucking record for me, okay?) in Bombay where I walked in to find a positive HORDE of foreign children and their overly cheerful minders bunched up and taking up the whole place. And then they were forced to SING. Which they did. At some length. While I gibbered quietly and texted people to share my woe at inadvertently walking into a TV Movie moment. Seriously. 8 - 14 year olds singing "Yankee Doodle Dandy"? It is not cute. It's just creepy.

In reality, I am actually a trifle oversocialised, but not dwelling on that is usually more useful than stewing over it and getting more worked up so, you know, I'mma kick back, procrastinate on at least eight stories which refuse to bridge the brain-fingers chasm and read. Okay, and by trifle I mean "a lot". Am hoping to be able to hibernate until OMGCALLUMMOVIE on Sunday, but suspect this will not actually be so easy to accomplish.

EDIT: Oh, and also? You know you've been watching too much Stargate when you're waiting for your coffee at seven thirty and you see a guy in line by you with a HUGE tattoo of an insect-type thing wrapped around his neck and you automatically shrink back going "Augh! Iratus bug!" *facepalm* I wish I was exaggerating.

-Still hoping horrible, awful, no-good t hings happen to Joffrey. I don't see that one turning around - not in my opinion of him, anyway - without acts of God, parliament, more God and lashings of resurrections and pudding and time machines and undoing t hings. Um. Yeah. Obviously there's an element of how he was raised and all, but even so, urk. I can't handle people who lack even the slightest bent towards empathy of some kind.

-Am still ridiculously semi-woobie over Tyrion. I blame Miles Vorkosigan for this, and all the same, he seems to be one of very very few characters we get to see who actually has more than a scrambling of braincells to rub together and suprisingly they're not all solely concerned with himself. Okay, I think that part mostly ties into the thing where he's one of very few characters I don't want to shake while yelling "Winter is coming, you MORONS, and if you don't work together a little you're ALL FUCKED". Uh. Yeah. Obviously it's never going to be that easy, of course.

-Have been thinking this since at least the second book but forgot to say, I think - Daenerys is going to end up wedded or bedded or whatever to either Robb or Bran (or maybe Jon Snow? I'm seesawing on what I think's going to happen with him), isn't she? I mean, I freely admit I could be wrong or being led down the garden path with this one but I've been having that impression for ages. Also, all the mystery and not knowing things is driving me crazy because I want to KNOW. I would suck so hard if I got involved in some sort of prophecy thing in real life because I would go batshit mental. Especially since I'm totally the Expendable Third Tier Scientist-type and thus get et by the bad guys three chapters/scenes in and never find out how it ends. Uh. I digressed, didn't I?

-I like Arya a lot, though she seems (like all the children, but then: different (and feudal/medieval type) world) a trifle precocious in a lot of ways. Also, we're pretty much supposed to like her because she's the hero archetype in a lot of ways. Still. She doesn't annoy me like that type can so often do, and she feels so three dimensional so, yeah. Am wondering how long it'll take her to twig to who/what Gendry is, though... admittedly, she's no reason to suspect, but it's going to have to click eventually, right?

-I admit it, I totally flailed when the slave girl chick Daenerys freed in the Unnamed city place said "valar morghulis". Because, in the words of Chandler? OOH THAT'S INTERESTING.

-I think Sansa's an idiot. And then I feel bad because, well... in a lot of ways hard to blame her. Though she takes being a slow learner a bit further than I'm really comfortable with. But then, real people evoke that feeling a lot, too. It's actually kind of refreshing, though, to have a character who isn't so Terribly Brave and Strong and Coping all the time. And she is just a kid really, still, too.

-Cautiously liking Jamie more with time. He keeps growing on me though I'm really not sure why. He just is. Though I also totally thought Catelyn Stark was going to geld him back in book two and was really surprised when she didn't. I have no idea where that notion was coming from but then when he and Brienne (who I really like, too, and also I want to hug her because, hi, I'm a girl and poor her because Renly) were captured by the Bloody Mummers I also thought it then... All things considered, he might've nearly preferred that to what actually happened. Maybe. *shrug*

-And the Onion Knight! I was so so happy when he got the chapter after I thought he'd died too and ee. Yes. Him and Tyrion are sort of the two points where I realise I could be well set up for getting invested and then hurt with.

-I do enjoy Sam a lot, too. I'm itching to get back to a him-chapter because the last we left him he was about to leave with the girl after the remaining black brothers went ape at Whatsisname's Hold and it all went even more to shit. Though the whole dragonglass/obsidian thing was probably the easiest thing to see coming in the entire series. Which is making me wonder where the catch is because there's going to be one, judging by everything else he sets up...

-I had other points but I forget them. Is too cold and late for thinking.

work, izzy, quote!, g.r.r. martin

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