(no subject)

Jun 26, 2006 23:40

Happy Birthday, Amy!!

*cheers, throws streamers, and generally jumps around like a lunatic*

I hope you have a lovely day and that people, events, traffic signals and weather are ALL kind to you. I am so glad to have got to meet you last year, and to, er, yell stuff down the phone to you many a time, and you're seriously one of the most fun, adorable, smart, clever, instantly-get-along-with-and-have-fun-with-able people I've met. May you always turn up in the nick of time and sneak in to share hotel rooms with us, babe. I hope you have a fabulous year, and that awesome things are in store for you. *snuggles a very much lot*

* * *

In other news, I'm sorta testy because I have to start at 7am tomorrow because I am an enormous flake and didn't open my mail on Friday to find out that, hey, my licence expires TOMORROW, not next month, and because I didn't realise in time to go renew it on Saturday (which, given Saturday plans (memo to self: transfer notes from Sat into LJ from notebook) would have sucked royally, but still) means I have to leave work at like 8 tomorrow, drive BACK to the closest licencing place, arse about there to get it renewed, and then go back to work. Rarr. This ten-year licence business is balls. I feel we should've gone with the english model, where as long as you have enough of your lifetime licence left to scrap together with sticky tape then you don't need a new one. Heh. Besides, the lifetime licences were made of that cool soft paper stuff. I liked mine! *pouts* Okay, also I'm a lot grumbly because I was having fits of pessimism over it because all my official documentation? Is to the post box. And the VTNZ people seem to want to see official documentation with the physical address. I was mutterly darkly and pondering bringing like ten bits of paper plus the rates when dad pointed out that my car registration has both addresses on it. And since I figure they can't argue with something they issued themselves I am going with that. Phew.

...my, that was a pointless paragraph. Heh.

But yes. And now bed because is LATE. And I am infested with Gondals, oh dear. *would be worried if not for the point of being wholly consumed by delight about the matter*

Waking up this morning a year ago is totally one of my favourite Ireland memories. Me in my chair by the window, freezing cold because even though it wasn't broken then we'd left it open when we were over heated... S. in the other chair, Izzy on the couch, Lissie and Joy and Niki and Emma and Kate all squished in sleeping bags on the floor, knowing Laura and Charlie were in their room and Court and Cheryl and Susan and Pam were just down various roads, and that we had a day of rest before we did it all over again. And Ana's look of absolute shock as her head peered around the window to see us all sardined in there, it was the dictionary definition of pole-axed. And looking over grinning and catching you doing the same and no one else really even conscious yet. LOVE.

friends, gondals, amy, dublin, birthdays, moaning, croke

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