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\o/! shoemaster June 19 2006, 09:23:51 UTC
Just don't fall over and die due to a caffiene overdose, hmm?

And I'm glad to see that at least some of the jokes weren't just temporary fannish induced craziness. It was, you know, the permanent kind.


Re: \o/! shihadchick June 19 2006, 09:47:23 UTC
I will do my best not to! ...the good thing is, my system is sort of on the asymptotal approach to caffiene. or, well, it's more like i need x amount of caffiene just to have the level normal people have (like Vimes and booze! ...if you read Discworld. if not, er, that made sense i SWEAR) and yes. but concern appreciated. *nod* *grin*

and, yes, me too. considering at one point i realised i was just sitting there giggling for no actual reason i was a bit "...is this going to make sense/be amusing tomorrow still?" but some of it certainly is. i'm really looking forward to stealing the time to make a Chat of Doom: the Collected Highlights (Or: Why You Thought We Were Unhinged and How We Prove It Without a Doubt) post.

...i just laughed SO hard at your last comment there. oh man. yes. indeed. it's funny because it's TRUE.

and how much do i adore you for exiting the chat with paul gross arms? there is not enough adoration on LJ for that. *squishes with delight*


Re: \o/! shoemaster June 19 2006, 10:11:26 UTC
...did I? *has no recollection at this point*

Have not read discworld, need to finish Good Omens (silly libraries wanting their books back) but I think I kind of get it?

I'm ded from your icon, myself.


Re: \o/! shihadchick June 19 2006, 10:16:16 UTC
you totally did. i choked with delight at the time and promptly saved and exited myself. *g*

And, ah, gotcha (hey, vague memory surfacing - we talked about THAT at some point in the chat, didn't we? Hee) but yes, it's sort of a universal thing, I think.

*sheepish grin* So, a while ago, if you ever saw that meme going round (that brooklinegirl started, actually) where you post as someone else? So Kat and I did it. And she used that line in her post as 'me' and all and sundry were rather... struck... by the apt. Because it is woefully, wonderfully so TRUE. I live for crack!crossovers. So, of course, YOUR icon just made me splutter with glee. OH PAUL. The sheer thought of the crazy that he and Joss could come up with if they had to work together is... eye-opening, I think.


Re: \o/! shoemaster June 19 2006, 10:20:55 UTC
...clearly I am just teh awesome and should stop questioning myself.

A lot of things were covered in that 20 hours, I think, so I'm going with...sure?

I totally uploaded the icon just so I could use it there, and it took me a pathetically long time to place which characters said what there (I should have been able to do it faster, what with the whole MARRIED line. But no)


Re: \o/! shihadchick June 19 2006, 10:27:20 UTC
you ARE. *firm nod*

good point. this is so very, very true. good answer!

heeeeeeeee. and AWW. bless.

I counted once and fully sixty percent of my icons at that time were either taking the piss out of fandom or involved between two and four fandoms. I'm special?

I am also loving how so many people are using the GRAVITY PWNED and GLAM LIKE BOB icons. You win forever at icon-making.


Re: \o/! shoemaster June 19 2006, 10:33:14 UTC
DUDE. I am so bad at receiving compliments so I'm all "Er uh yeah thanks it's no big deal? Other people make them prettier!" Not like half blushing or anything because that would be LAME. I've seen a few of the gravity pwned in use... I swear you're the one who said it in the first place.

*looks up chat transcripts* ShihadChick (3:11:37 PM): dS: pwns gravity!
EdgedinBlue2 (3:11:59 PM): gravity: PWNED!

SEE. *shoves praise off on you*


Re: \o/! shihadchick June 19 2006, 10:51:04 UTC
well, i'll be sneaky with them so they can be all making your hindbrain feel warm and appreciated without letting the rest of your brain try to protest/diminish them, then. *g* But seriously, I like and it seems that opinion is very popular. :D

...*giggles like mad* I swear, that was honestly only about the fourth time in my life I'd ever said "pwns", too. And no no! *shoves praise back at you* It is BLATANTLY when our powers combine. Or something. And the graphical representation of awesomeness is all. you.


Re: \o/! shihadchick January 31 2010, 06:18:05 UTC
Allison how has it been three and a half years since this??

This comment brought to you by TRYING TO FIX MY INBOX OH GOD. <3333


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