(no subject)

Jun 15, 2006 22:14

...oh dear. So, I've been vaguely half-obsessing lately (yes, around the SGA thing, I juggle obsessions like a... really good juggler thing. I write similes, however, like a crack baby on PCP with walruses for hands) over wanting to either work in some form of Narnia reference/feeling/tone/fusion/whatever to a due South fic, because I'd be really interested to see how it could spin out. What Chris has just inadvertently reminded me is that I actually already DID that. Er, the reference, at least. *facepalm* I'd love to know what it says about me that I have posted multiple crack fics in the wee hours of Christmas morning, over the years. Possibly this is an omen of True Fandom for me. Or something. Either way, amusing.

I... still fail at pretty much everything ever. I don't know what my deal is. Theoretically I have everything under control and all the time in the world (omg most depressing Bond moment EVER - brain, shut up!) yadda yadda yadda... right up until I don't. Go figure. I chose to blame something that isn't me. *is mature*

How is it 10pm already?!

And I think I'm going in to town for a bbq and movie (Chris, are you working in the evening? If not, want to come see the movie that broke last time? They're re-showing it. If not, want a lift home from work? I can hang around and wait for you, the movie's not til 9pm.) so I can't do anything tomorrow and then Saturday should touch wood be taken up entirely with buggering my sleep cycle royally with out-of-con-txt hi-jinks. WHOO! *poings* I'm quite excited. I miss watching due South on a daily basis. I miss fangirling with multiple northern hemisphereans. I want my flist to move to Kiwiland NOW OKAY? Sigh.

REM-iversary in... two days, and I have, er, eleven concert posts to do between then and now. Aargh! iTunes just dumped our Numb remake on me. Ohgodsendhelp. And I heard One Tree Hill twice on the radio inside of two hours this afternoon and it made me feel very funny.

And I dreamed night before last that I was hanging out with S. and Lissie (but not in Dublin, we were somewhere else) and it was just so peaceful and right and good and I woke up feeling as if I had just spent hours with Lissie and just... meh. I miss people. Not that I don't adore the people here, not at all, just. Meh. OH HA HA iTunes, HAR DE HAR HAR. (WGRYWH.) And I kept having olfactory hallucinations at work yesterday and it was just trippy. Though I think the most disconcerting thing wasn't even that (not even when I ended up in Northern Queensland for a few seconds) but that for reasons I can't even begin to fathom, the Doors' Light My Fire threw me fucking half way around the world into Nevada. Except it was all mixed up because it was Joshua Trees and the Joshua Tree in a packed mini-van with the Irish and the English and also driving back to Colorado with my Joy and just... confusing. And I am all a twitchy over how long it's been since I got to sit down and watch the Bunk Munky with the flatmates and drink coffee and stay up forever and go to Centra at six am for donuts and club orange and okay, yeah, it's a homesick evening, I guess.

Also omg who do I have to fuck in this country to get a cinnamon twist? Does ANYONE make them?!

-dS for Meggie
-Sexie + random stuff for Barb (B, how do you feel about culturally significant cartoons from another country? I maybe want to inflict some Bro'Town on you, but am not sure. I have Plans about other stuff as well, I just have to kick my own ass to do it.)
-Mail for Court, Lissie (ah! can do that in one package now! MOO HA HA!), Shan, Meg, Joy, Frog (ditto! whoot!), Izzy, Liz, Michele, Sandra, Sunny+Rob+Emma, Sandra, Charlie (and Padraic and I can't do the accent, remind me?), Cheryl, uh... oh god, death by mail. But I have to empty this cupboard out. It's driving me CRAZY. Most of this stuff has been here since JANUARY. I lose at everything ever.
-eMail (back) to Shane, Gemma, Judith, Sonia, Nicole (HI NICOLE IF YOU ARE READING THIS PLS REASSURE ME YOU LIVE KTHNXBYE), Jen (do I HAVE Jen's email still?), Meg (it's still in my inbox to reply to! *is lame*), Court, ...I know I'm forgetting someone. Urgh.
-organise Hi Yes We're Both Back We Lose At Organising!Party for me and Chris upon Chris' return from the UK. With much U2, Frames, Exit, Marky, due South and random travel-y goodness.
-watch last two eps of SGA (noooooooo!)
-watch SG1. I... give in, okay? I'll watch it. I'll hate myself and end up buying dvds. But that's okay! A MEDIA H0R IS ME! oh, and Dr Who and BSG and-- *splodes*
-write? ha!
-OOC SNIPPETS! (god, I hope the acronym is not an omen.)
-write up lyrics quiz if I can wrassle my emails down to 450? as a reward?
-order next GRR Martin. and VM. and-- okay, no, pay off credit cards first. bad self. no porn.

u2, to do, dreams, due south, u2 auckland, fics, sga

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