"Get as far away from the nuclear explosion as possible." That's good advice, Rodney, thanks.

May 13, 2006 15:00

Oh noes. My brother put his curry in the microwave to have for lunch, and then promptly went out somewhere with Flash. And now it's getting all cold. And eaten.

Meg just emailed me this link. Apparently, NZ? Will only cost you one dollar per person. HEE. I hadn't heard of that one, though I did hear about someone listing Telecom on TradeMe the other day. It's things like this which make me appreciate the human race all the more.

Best sideswipe moment of the day: Mark telling us how his mates at Repco (car parts and wheels and stuff like that) had a lady come in the other day wanting to buy a "seven ten" lid. Mum and I sort of looked at him blankly until he said "7 1 0, think about it." *sniggers* Now, I may just barely be able to check my own oil and water, but at least I'm not THAT bad. *grin*

Which was great, and I really enjoyed it, and totally didn't fuck me up as much as I was expecting. Which is... well, good on the one level, but on the other, dS has left me with very high standards for a show kinda needing to be able to rip me into shreds occasionally. I think it's just that, necessarily, talking about something like that in fiction tends to be a lot more effective and evocative than what you can actually DEPICT on a PG-rated forty-three minute episode that requires resolution within that timeframe. Which is to say that after reading Robin Cook's Outbreak as a ten year old and developing a near phobia about infectious diseases which cause haemorrhaging as a result, I was expecting a lot more in the way of squick from the nanovirus. I had also somehow gained the idea (see, fanon? not always the healthiest way to learn things!) that Rodney had actually DONE SOMETHING which loosed the virus somehow, and for the sake of his guilt am glad that was not the case. I love him ohsomuch in this episode. Okay, sure, like that's unusual. But STILL. And I like Elizabeth calling John out on the fact he undermined her and all and he really is kind of an asshole there and, um, yay? Heh. Also, Teyla whipping his ass at stick-fighting? That will NEVER not be hot. More please. That little writhe thing he did when she whacked his butt was totally AWESOME. Although I was kinda surprised she (Teyla) didn't give him a hard time about making Bates let them out and ignoring Elizabeth, because I expected her to speak up, though I'm glad she said something shortly thereafter. I like her more after seeing more - I was really worried, after the first episode I saw, that I wouldn't like her at all and actively disliking one of the major characters tends to lead to less overall enjoyment. And Rodney and Radek's little manly touching dilemma was fantastic, as Kat said, and just... glee. Especially considering right after that, Ford comes over and just hugs the crap out of Rodney anyway and oh, how I laughed. :D Anyway, it was yay.

Aaand now I'm supposed to be cleaning and tidying my room. So that's what I'm doing. Totally not reading livejournal. Nope, not me.

Is it wrong I think I might put a dvd only mostly for the fact that the TV puts out more heat than the actual heater?

Oh, and I was mucking about with shoddy icons last night. These are gankable in the event of anyone (Kat) wanting them.

I... I have no excuse. I couldn't help myself. This was literally the second thought I had on seeing soaking-wet-Major-Sheppard and just... couldn't resist. I realise only, like, me and Kat will get this. But it amused me a lot. Which is why I'm posting it publicly. *facepalm* *giggle*

And here's the proper icon. Mmm.

I just... he's so much more Han Solo than Kirk, really, and... yeah.

Words cannot express my love for this sign, so I just HAD to. I spent literal hours trying to squeeze extra text on around it (because oh, the jokes about "and he's talking about Sheppard, not the generator" or "he's talking about Sheppard's hair" etc are just so TEMPTING) but it looked stupid so I gave up. Also, I totally wanted to make more Rodney icons but I haven't trolled through enough screencaps yet to get decent images. And as much as I like scruffy-drenched-cat!Rodney in the Storm I do have to admit that when you cut that down to a still and take all the animation out of him he looks a little be odd and not in the good ways.

Also, I wish I was better at doing text. I just can't make it do cool things/fit right. Joyjoy, how do you do that funky transparent-yet-standing-out thing that you do on a lot of your icons?

ETA: And, in news which will make Joy, Court and Melissa at the least disown me, Chris, you remember that song that I swore up and down was a country song and "sounded Canadian" that kept coming up on the tape driving back from Wellington the other week? It's Queen. I am so embarrassed.

icons, quote!, sga

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