er. i just spent, holy shit, about two hours fucking around with photoshop. this is not a me!thing to do. and is woefully pathetic, i suppose, given that i made a total of three icons. but i am ridiculously proud of myself because, well, hi. i have NO artistic talent. i got Cs in compulsory art, i can't work photoshop well at all and i have no eye at all when it comes to designing, but i managed to make stuff all the same. this icon? had the shit photoshopped out of it. (or possibly into it, heh.) i worked out how to move shit around and smoosh people closer and and, you know, stuff. stuff that most of you can do with your eyes closed and hands tied behind your backs, but still! i did it! me!
...pride goeth before a fall, i know, i know. (omg Chris that just reminded me. we MUST make that boardgame later. you know the one.) but! look! it's pretty and crossovery and yes, that would be me CAVING before the onslaught of the new shiny. heh. *pets pretty boys* my only regret is i couldn't get the background layer to be on top of the first layer. but that's okay.
i really really was tempted to make this one read "guess... i'm easy" or just "i'm easy" but that seemed to give some misleading impressions when i stopped to think about it, so i left it as is. this wristband makes me want to lick him even more than i do usually. he's not canadian, if anyone was wondering who it is. /aura of mystery!
i have helpless adoration for Jorja Fox. she's just gorgeous. if i was ever actually find anyone who wants to go out with me, she would totally be on my It's Not Cheating If It's... List. (oh, who am I kidding, I have the biggest jealousy streak this side of, er, a really jealous thing and I wouldn't be able to do it. but still. principle of the thing.)
and, because Joanie tagged me a few days ago,
blah blah talk about you, blah blah tag people, we all know the drill. :D
it always takes me a while to do these things because while i am fully aware i am batshit crazy at the best of times, it's hard to think of the exact reasons why when you're put on the spot, you know? :D
1. i talk to my car. i. yeah, this is embarrassing, okay? even if probably a few of you have heard me do it. because it's not just the guy-thing of, like, anthropomorphising your vehicle, it's like... i apologise to the GT when we have to drive on bad roads. ie, like my entire neighbourhood for the last three months, jebus. and when i hit a pothole i usually squeak "sorry!" and pet the steering wheel. and i say thank you after we get through tricky intersections. i am a freak, i know. but then, i was also the kid who totally believed her toys came to life when she wasn't around to spoil their secret, and i even punched Gary Rosewarne because he hurt Peppermint Crunch. so, um, yes. actually, to be honest, i talk to a lot of inanimate objects, but the car's probably the weirdest one. (have you ever apologised for dropping a tape? TO the tape, that is. cos i have. *facepalm*)
2. i have no objections whatsoever to cleaning up the kitchen/doing the dishes/straightening up after dinner or whatever, especially if i didn't cook, but i hate actually putting left over food away. i tend to try and leave that for my parents to do, and i'm really not sure why. i just... i don't want to interfere or do something wrong, or throw something out we're meant to be keeping, or keep something we'd normally biff out. i apparently have a Complex about it. i'm totally fine if i cooked, or if it's just, eg, me and mates or something, but when it's Responsible Adult People around? i freeze the fuck up.
3. i sort of finger-comb my hair. a lot. compulsively, even. and, according to Charlie, i even do it in my sleep. which i'm sure (not the doing it in my sleep, just doing it full stop) is annoying as hell, or at least as other people's fidget-responses can be, not least because it means i shed hair even more than normal people because of it (and i hate hate hate having hair stuck to me, it creeps me out, see also: reasons why my hair is almost always always always tied back/up) but i can't seem to stop myself. i try to not do it at work, at least, but even then, i'll catch myself at times if i'm concentrating hard or if i'm bored. it's totally a stress/idle hands type reflex.
4. i'm kind of... ocd about the internet/anything i'm interested in. i know, you're all swooning in shock. but i am. as i have been taken to task for many a time, to not-all-that-much-avail (though i am better about it! i am! i swear!) i get slightly twitchy and loudly complain-y if i'm behind on my flist. or if i have emails outstanding/comments to reply to/whatever. but i have to read everything and so if i don't i'm missing out and that drives me bat. shit. insane. so. there it is. which is why i'm usually baseline twitchy because, oh, i always have stuff i haven't done/read yet, and is also why occasionally some of you will get email replies to something you sent days/weeks/months ago. i think it's because my overiding policy is one of LAZINESS but at the same time a durasteel-type conviction that i WILL get to it later. later has also been known to be as long as, oh, what, two years? Court? *g* something like that, anyway. how does that Calvin and Hobbes cartoon go again? "god put me on this earth to accomplish a number of things and right now i'm so far behind i will never die". oh yeah. tidying my room is also in that category.
5. when i'm reading (or concentrating a lot, but mostly it's reading) i am usually absolutely dead to the world. i tend to be so far inside whatever world i'm devouring that i will not notice anything intruding from the outisde world. Callum Keith Rennie could call my name and i wouldn't hear him. ...okay, well, i like to think my hindbrain has enough blatant self-interest to be monitoring for THAT at all times, but still. the amount of times i've got in trouble over the years for not doing stuff i was asked to do/not hearing 'dinner's ready!' because i simply didn't hear it is sort of quite large. i also, apparently, can and will respond - quite sensibly - to people trying to have conversations with me when i'm reading, but it's apparently on autopilot because i rarely have any memory of what they've said. which is awful, because - and my mother has tested this - i can even repeat by rote what she's just told me at the time and promise to do it and then she'll get home and i will be sitting on the bed going "wait, you wanted me to bring in what washing?!"
and, bonus answer 6 (which i think i mentioned the last time i did this meme, but what the hell, i'm reaching (hey, if anyone else can think of my weird habits, feel free to remind me in comments?)): when i'm drinking anything in a can? i have to stick the tip of my tongue into the little groove around the rim of the can. i don't know why, i don't know when i started to do it, but i have to. i can't drink out of a can without doing that. i've tried. it's too weird.
I tag... Izzy, Kat, Anti, Meg and Vonnie. And anyone else who wants to do it and hasn't been tagged already. [placeholder] tag right here! :D
also, thing i keep forgetting to mention: in Eclipse, right, there's not any obvious defenestration, is there? but there is "he was a broken window", which, really, is not exactly 'normal' english, even for due South, so I suspect it was their "oh shit we forgot to _____!" attempt at keeping the theme in the episode even subtly. /crazy
ETA: um, wow. i think i really DID speak too soon. because i think my copy of photoshop just IMPLODED. i just got three really weird error messages and then it vanished. eep.