We'll create a diversion!

May 03, 2006 21:59

Well, that was embarrassing.  Went to get petrol, because my car was pretty much at the "OI BITCH FEED ME!" stage and my debit card got declined.  That hasn't happened in years. So, um. Not sure what's going on there. Need to check my bank. Urk.  And I need a shower, because, ick.  Though I actually kinda like getting home from work and being pretty much filthy, it makes me feel like I've actually been doing something, you know?  It was absolutely pelting down with rain today, luckily we didn't have to go out in it much, but it was mucky as heck.  And I feel suitably butch in my new boots. Hee.

CSI: New York was exceptionally gross, even for the showpony of violent crime shows. Ew. Death by Octopus. EW.  Although, despite the fact that I really don't enjoy that show nearly as much as I do the other, the ending was adorable. Um. I seem to have a het otp.  And the show seems to be hinting at it. Yay? *pets the cute people*

Bones is cute so far, with the gentle sniping at each other and the freaking out about ropes and, hee, insects. !! Roman cuirass! AWESOME. ...! Oh man. Buried TREASURE?! So much love.
Booth: That's not cocked, is it? Because where it's pointed...
Bones: *dryly* You're safe.


Went to the Ware-whare after work to try and get some new work trousers, as it's not exactly ideal to be wearing thin black dress pants, really. Heh.  I am back to hating on things (ie, my body) because nothing fits.  Anything that fits in the leg is not just a foot too long, but also far too big around the hips/front of the waist and just ARGH. Meh. Though I did get polar fleece trackpants which mostly fit and they are snuggly good.  I maybe might need to bother someone to get me some jeans from Old Navy and I can paypal the money? Or something? Cos they at least fit. Mostly. /wangst

I need to find something else paper-bound to read, though, because I'm partway through At Swim, Two Boys and liking it quite a lot, but it's a bit heavy (physically and mentally) to be 100% concentrating on, and plus, really don't want to take it to work where it will be rapidly coated with a fine layer of dust and/or cement. Heh. I'm also rereading Five Hundred Years After which, if I may have two words to explain, is something I really shouldn't ought to do often because, as past readers of this livejournal are all most likely aware, the last thing I need to do is to be rewiring my interior structure, word-choices and phrasing (as is known to happen any time I am reading anything) to encourage long sentences and curious idioms even more so than I am already prone to doing.

Er. By which I mean, someone tell me what I should reread. Seriously, chuck me a comment - if I've heard of it, chances are I own it or can get it as a reader's copy.

International Kat-and-Pumpkin-Pie-Day* in four hours! WHEE! *anticipates*

**Where "day" is defined as the point when GMT +13 turns over from midnight, through to MST at the end of the day. I think it's about a thirty-two hour period so, hrm, one just-a-bit-longer-than Barrayaran day? :D

And, we have Buffy night planned for Sunday. Excellent. I like routines that involve watching, er, Wonderfalls, actually, this week, and spending time with my friends. *poing*

csi: ny, wangst, work, books, bones

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