(no subject)

Apr 13, 2006 18:25

Kat, I may have just accidently ordered some stuff off amazon to be shipped to your place. Admittedly, it's preordered and doesn't come out til July or something, but. Hey. Just so you know. (and no, none of it is CSI, and that's mostly because i know if i actually get a regular paycheque any time soon i WILL blow it on CSI sooner than June/July and will not want to wait. heh. also, how is it that Wilby Wonderful costs, like, only ten bucks less than a full season of CSI? that seems wrong.)

*weak weak weak fucking weak*

In other news, the internet is too hard and I think I am going to go watch DVDs. My laziness/apathy astounds even me.

Friday: sleep in! omg yaye! *touch wood* attempt to do at least one challenge. tidy room. do online segment of job thing.
Saturday: Emma! possibly also organise mail for later.
Sunday: do stuff with Emma and most likely Chris? Unless Emma has daytime plans? Also, dinner out somewhere before concert, I think. Considering Occasion and all.
Monday: random fun of some kind!
Tuesday: work 7 - 3, get killed by angry grocery managers from the south island (no, i'm not- i'm nearly not kidding. colossal, enormous fuck up, actually ON our end this time although thank fuck i know for sure it was not my fault not that that helps as i still have to DEAL WITH IT), job interview thingy 3.45pm which will take 90 - 120 mins, then possibly do something with Chris and Emma?
Wednesday: work 7 - 3, come home, get ready, DYLAN MORAN OMGSQUEE.
Thursday: work 7 - 3, be bitter about the South Island stealing Emma again.

At some indeterminate point: hand in notice, deal with all THAT (okay, probably i shouldn't do that til they officially offer me the job? but then, it's not exactly like i'm going to fail the drug test or anything, is it?), ring Carol (urk, do that -- SATURDAY. dumbass), tidy up computer, organise shit, sell stuff on trademe, etc.

also, my brother just got home from work with the most enormous fucking box of groceries ever. all the stuff that's fallen off pallets recently etc and is unsaleable. there are like EIGHT DIFFERENT TYPES OF COFFEE in there. *glee! GLEE!*

to do, slings & arrows, job hunt, amazon

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