sometimes you gotta fall just to find out how far from the bottom you are

Apr 08, 2006 17:49

why do i feel like i've heard denounced live? i'm sure i haven't. *pokes brain* what. the. shit?

am attempting to Do Things. which is stupidly hard. i use the word 'stupid' too much, i realise this, but, well, hey. such is (my) life. ...omg. thought. i think i might need to start saying "that is so CARBON-BASED". because people? are made of stupid. and also carbon. ...moodswing much?? heh.

it's funny how my world view is totally "people are made of stupid" at the same time as "people are essentially well-meaning". wasn't there some thing about "intelligence is the ability to hold two contradictory facts in your head at the same time"? which, okay, in many occasions, those two are not mutally exclusive. but also would then mean i was wrong about the stupid. hrm. ...oh my god, this was so not even my point. where did my point go?? *hunts it down* this is closer to philosophising than i normally go. skeery.

HOLY FUCK i just realised I DON'T KNOW HOW OLD I AM. um. the fuck? seriously, brain, hi, work please?? okay. 24. good. i just... i couldn't remember if i was 25 now, or 25 this year. ...when does it stop being idiocy and start being dementia? *mildly worried*

um. right! anyway. i am attempting to Get Shit Done and doing that while bribing myself with iTunes on the computer and the occasional break to sit my ass down and ramble at you all. aren't you pleased? i just walked over to buy kumara from our neighbours. which i find sort of unspeakably cool. i mean, i live in a SUBURB. (it was farms still about thirty years ago, but i digress.) and we just bought kumara from the neighbours. it's funky. i mean, admittedly, also a wee bit ow, because kumara are rather knobbly and so 5 kilos of them is not just heavy but tends to whack you in the knees when you're just carrying them in a grocery bag. because although their property abuts ours, we have to walk around to the other side of the block to get there, as after our neighbours we knew and trusted in that property moved out about fifteen (dear.god.) years ago we took the gate-in-the-hedge that we used to have out and put up a fence instead. there's a side-thought that'll probably end up here eventually about where i live but i can't be arsed going into it now.

stay tuned! we've got some really great toy commercials coming up. i swear!

mmm. what you are. love this song. *pets DaveMatthewsandhisband*

ooh. adam and eve *pets the midget* aaaaand now I'm distracted from cleaning by giggling about Melissa finding corners for everyone.

Ee. I am yay-impressed with myself for being able to still recognise Hugh Dillon's voice instantly. I am getting very enamoured with the HDRC, did I mention this yet?

Ooh, go me. I am now also dusting as well as straightening up. Progress! (We won't go into how almost all of my 'tidying' so far is more like 'redistributing the mess into cupboards behind closed doors' la la la la laaaaa. Rarr. Edge is very hard to dust. I don't want to accidently break him! And I already dropped a glass coaster. Onto tile. (Thankfully, it somehow bounced.)

I feel like singing Finally and Sideways Down very very loudly. Also, making out with someone for hours would be really good right now and I apologise for the tmi, but it felt dishonest to keep choking it back. *is a freak*

Huh. Funny. I just put my finger on something I'd been wondering about. My eyes are messed up. I'm more or less blind in one eye in low/dim lighting, which is weird, because that's actually the eye with at least three full integers better vision (-1.75 and -5ish respectively), but when I wear contacts or glasses I can see okay with both eyes. And if I'm concentrating, I always find myself reading with one eye only, because I can track better that way. The reason I can't read music isn't that I don't understand it, it's that I either miss a line or I go back to the beginning of the same line, because I can't follow the lines automatically. My left contact is a much better prescription than my right contact (by which I mean it focuses more clearly) whereas my left glasses lens is a lot worse than the right glasses lens. I have never been able to get a left spectacle lens or a right contact lens which were correct. But, okay, I digress. I have no idea what is wrong with my eyes, and the last time the optometrist checked he couldn't really figure it out either, aside from the fact that my eyes apparently over-dilate in almost every situation. But - especially with the reading-with-one-eye thing, which I've been being yelled at about ever since I can remember, but I have to do it because otherwise I can't read - I've never worked out why it is I don't end up with really awful eyestrain. And I think I just worked out why - because my reading eye is my right one (I always think it's the left because I'm usually not aware I'm doing it until someone comments) and my seeing eye is apparently the left. ...I'm sure you're all feeling so illuminated now. Heh.

Right. Back to the publishing AU which oh NOES I am nearly done with.

teh stupid, eyes

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