"All you need in the world is U2 and a pack of sharpies"

Apr 02, 2006 19:25

oh my god, so I'm reading my diary from this day? and have just been reminded that Cheryl and I air-xylophoned to I Will Follow driving down to Anaheim. AhahahahaGOD. I'm so glad that followed my comment-to-self about how I wished they'd play NZ.

Bono: *sings* "You say you'll give me a highway with no one on it..."
Cheryl and me in unison, stuck in arse traffic on the 5: "That'd be good, thanks Bono."

Me, writing: 5pm. Still really need to pee. I state this simply to embarrass myself at a later date. (...yeah. No, I don't know why I'm sharing that either. Full disclosure, or something?)

!! Omg! I had totally forgotten that. Does anyone else remember the "NFC line" at San Diego? *giggles like a mean mean person*

Dave: Herpes! Gotta catch 'em all!

Jumbled notes from my as yet still untyped actual-notes:

Kings of Leon: Still suck. Could poor Courtney look any more bored?
Fuck me, they're playing Clocks. "The Edge got it on the [...], no problems at all." Adam's collar is purple. "It's true, it's true" and strongman pose. The goal is soul. "To prove that Africa is equal under the eyes of God also." Get our medicines out there, proving ground. Your cellphone is a dangerous thing. Thank you for letting me rant and ramble on, now you know how the band feel. "Did you come here to play Jesus? I did." Bono touching Edge's back, moving on. "Everyone." Off at 10.10. "ready for the concert, ready to put on the hat, ready to fake, ready to flash, ready to say (?), ready for the crash." "Ready for the Lily of the Valley." Bono's hands up, fisted. Showbusiness, show business. My arse (? what the fuck did I mean by that??) First verse of the Fly twice. Elevation. "Take a chance on me, won'tcha?" Getting water. "Hey baby, we[?] go back on the road." "The stage is but a platform shoe." COBL. "You with us, the Edge? You sure?" Discussion round the kit. Not leaving. Yahweh. "Take this mouth, so full of bile and spit..."

...god, I need to write these up. I do not have enough on paper, I don't, I don't, I just don't.

Do we know that profile? Oh yeah, I think we do.

Straight into the Heart of Darkness...

This is just pretty.

This just makes me HAPPY.

I love how this one came out.

This is the only one clear enough for me to be able to see where Court is.

anaheim 1, u2, 2005, picspam

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