(no subject)

Mar 30, 2006 14:27

*giggles self into pieces*

My mother, from the other room where she is ironing: "Here is THE EDGE! Without the EDGE, we are in TROUBLE!"

I rather suspect she's listened to that cover of Night and Day, oh, a lot? *is proud*

Also, in other signs that Your Fandoms Are Taking Over Your Life: getting really confused by the radio when they play Brothers in Arms and there are no sounds of gunfire. Uh. Yeah.


Also, I have a job interview on Weds after work. Potential whoo. I left work today at midday, which tells you something about how goram slow it has been this week and just... yeah. I could probably invent some form of makework, but I would feel guilty, and also bored, and just... yeah. Also, today my computer decided not to work which meant I had to use the spare office which would've been okay (privacy! quiet! yay!) except the phone in there wouldn't work with my headset. And even when I got fed up with that, went and got my own phone and plugged THAT in entirely... the headset still doesn't work. So the most interesting thing that's happened to me all day are the range of new facial tics I have developed after spending four hours having to hold the phone between my ear and shoulder while I wrote down orders and just ow. Which would be, of course, the other reason I left then because the only 'makework' I could do would be cold calling people who don't want what I'm trying to sell and there was no way I was doing that without a headset.

u2, work, hockey, due south, mum

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