Thank you to Ms Anonymous for the verse and virtual chocolates, because that was wholly, wholly unexpected and totally cute. And you really didn't need to do that at all because, well, generally I tend to be of the opinion that my friends are awesome anyway and thus should put their pennies towards buying themselves chocolate, but I really
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pretty much dying over your icon. Fraser likes boobies!
...and, gorammit. I thought I'd fucked up the text. I just couldn't get it any more visible than that because I lose at graphics. (It's supposed to read "Freebie!")
Also, you may know - where exactly have all these tornadoes been hitting in the Mid-West? Because the news here is making me all paranoid for anyone I've not heard from in the last day or so and of course it totally doesn't help that half of that lot don't post much anyway and mrrh. (And yes, I checked on cnn for every town name I know and it seemed they'd all been lucky but... yannow.)
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