"So, he's not gay." "Apparently not. I owe you a pint."

Mar 07, 2006 12:23

This is possibly the most exciting thing I've seen on my flist since waking up.

My first task of the year was to go and pick up my work visa from the New Zealand Embassy. In recent years visa processes have generally become more bureaucratic and time consuming, so I headed to the NZ embassy bright and early. Hiked across a deserted Trafalgar Square toget to an equally deserted embassy. I pushed the button on the appointment ticket machine which spat out a ticket “You are customer number 000” Felt like this could be my lucky day.

The immigration officer behind the desk chatted to me about what U2 were up to and what a busy time they’d had at the Embassy issuing visas for all the bands going down to New Zealand’s Big Day Out Festival. Lots of keystrokes later, he printed out the visa and stuck it in my passport right there and then. A lucky day indeed.

I a little bit garden-stated like WHOA. Oh em gee. Also, eee because we know exactly where that building is, having made a concerted effort to spot Our Own Embassies when in London in 2004. iirc, we were right part the Canadian ConsulateEmbassy and next to, like, some huge one for a country even smaller than ours. Ooh, I'm so descriptive. *is a loser!*

I also totally dreamed about Slings and Arrows (this has got to be a record, seriously, less than five hours!) which then morphed into a sort of scifi Western and involved a lot of hiding treasure (it wasn't jewels but it was small and in a velvet bag, I think it was some kind of technology thing) when bandits came hooning into town and then having to hide in pantries wearing crinolines and wishing the girl behind me would stop sobbing because they'd HEAR HER and they did and dragged us out and then rewind, start over, and I remembered not to hide there and this time went under a really low bed and somehow managed to crimp myself into a tiny gap behind/under stuff, and I don't think they'd have found me there, but I woke up after that. And there was lots of riding and running/jumping/hidden dumbwaiter/elevator things and I totally had a guy sidekick and Joy was there somewhere near the beginning, because there was a pub/bar area and a band, and a lot of people waiting there - actually, it was like Ye Olde Wild West Harde Rock Cafee, now that I think about it. Very weird.

I am also very pleased with iTunes, because it has somehow tapped into my desire to listen to the Frames and has played a lot of them, and no U2 at all yet (good, because I have to skip and that's tricky with this many windows open).

Probably it would be good if I had a shower and washed my hair and stuff soon. Being as it is midday.

Wait, I take it back. THIS is the most awesome thing I've seen today. Gakked from AoL!Kate, the Simpsons, for real. Seriously, people. Go watch. AWESOME.

willie williams, slings and arrows, dreams, the simpsons

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