you're inside out and you don't know

Mar 04, 2006 19:59

And, while we're at it, a Douglas Adams quote:

Jane, who is much better at reading guide books than I am (I always read them on the way back to see what I missed, and it's often quite a shock), discovered something wonderful in the book she was reading. Did I know, she asked, that Brisbane was originally founded as a penal colony for convicts who committed new offences after they had arrived in Australia?
I spent a good half hour enjoying this single piece of information. It was wonderful. There we British sat, poor grey sodden creatures, huddling under our grey northern sky that seeped like a rancid dish cloth, busy sending those we wished to punish most severely to sit in bright sunlight on the coast of the Tasman Sea at the southern tip of the Great Barrier Reef and maybe do some surfing too. No wonder the Australians have a particular kind of smile that they reserve exclusively for use on the British.

Gonna try and watch Last Night until it's time for Chicago which I think I will try to watch. We'll see. Kat, am I nuts for wondering instantly if Genevieve Bujold is related? I mean, how common a name can it be?

I may or may not have garden-stated and pulled something in my shoulder doing it when Callum appeared onscreen. Um. Also, yum. He is smoking-hot deliciousness in this movie. I mean, more so than usual. Okay, for the whole 1.4 seconds of it I have seen so far. Moving on! (later) Okay, to stay not spoiler and all let me just say... oh my. Oh MY. *swoons*

Dear Don McKellar,

Ushers will arrive shortly to take you to join the other special men and women who have previously gained the honour of having my babies. Make friends with Willie Williams especially, I'm sure you two could cook up something amazing.

Yours in adoration,


PS Seriously. Babies EVERYWHERE.

My mum is listening to Bono and Edge's musicares performance. This tickles me so very much.

EDIT: And, because Niki, Charlie, S* and Chris may be tickled to hear this - the principal of the junior school (ie, years 1 - 8) of my old school gave 90% of her 'graduation' speech to the 13 year olds (who would've started high school this year) on Bob Geldof and how he should be an inspiration to them. I did always like Mrs Battersby. (Opinions on, uh, other current principals withheld due to their being far less positive. Heh.), Last Night finished I thought five minutes before I needed the tv. And I turned it on - just as Chicago was starting. Literally. Yeah, I'm officially-- gone. All gone now. And, um, I never noticed before, but you can see us at the very very end of Vertigo. Fuck. I guess this is the good kind of chest-caving-in feeling?

last night, u2, quote!

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