Oh. My. Um. *boggles* ...seriously, you bring up the concept of 'novelty shower curtains' and there are simply no LIMITS to how wrong that can get. *snickers*
Also, can anyone explain how it is I lived without chocolate fish for eleven months? Really now. *has scarfed two tonight already dear god they are SO GOOD* Man, I am so weak. I am brought undone by food. No one should ever trust me with state secrets, you wouldn't even need fastpenta OR the threat of torture.
My geekcrush on CSI continues to blossom wildly out of control. Which, actually, reminds me - Kat, "attractive+interesting people solving crime" as an interest. Thoughts? It's the best format I can come up with.
I keep thinking of stuff I want to buy. Why do I never remember any of this on the rare occasions when I have gift vouchers and thus 'free money' to spend? I somehow do not even have my own copy of Love, Actually. I apparently have trouble remembering that I am not currently domiciled in the flat o' gaybies, and thus stuff that is there is not accessible instantly. Damnit! *pouts* *goes back and has coffee and bunkmunky-on-DVD with Charlie and S* Mwah, mwah.
The flaw in my DVD-burning plan has now become evident and is the fact that I can't seem to 'lock' the discs (or whatever you call it) without a button that's on the remote and not the machine. Curses. *was planning on doing Valentines Day Black Books shipments in various directions, among other Nefarious Deeds*
I'm sorry, I can't help myself. *cracking up*
Ray, look! Turtles! EDIT: Memo to self - you also greatly enjoy
Buzz Bars, still. Please remember this and do not go another three or four years between them. Thank you kindly.
In conclusion? I am marshmallow's BITCH.