So, day five in a row of Extremely Vivid Dreams. This morning it was Susan Can't Do Gymnastics. That was actually pretty much the sum total of it, because in the dream, she and I were in this huge courtyard type area that looked a lot like the one in front of San Marco in Venice ("It's a piazza, Charlie!") and she was running in the direction of the harbour (where the two huge gallows column things are) to copy this vault that I'd just shown her and she jumped off the beep board and totally faceplanted onto the vault. Um, I may have laughed in the dream cos I could somehow tell she wasn't hurt. And then I have no idea what else would've happened because I was distracted by thinking "what the fuck is the Indiana Jones theme song playing for now?" and it woke me up out of a deep sleep/dream because it was, of course, my ring tone. My phone is LOUD. I had forgotten this. I do, however, now have car insurance again, which is very much of the Good. So, yeah, I had like four hours sleep. Go me.
*is a little bit totally planning on being a bum again and just watching CSI please kick me next week flist if I don't have a job by then but I am taking two more days off!*
Also, the episode about the rich lady who got fed to her own piranhas? I have totally seen this before. It was the first episode of CSI I ever saw, cos I saw it on tv but never remembered to watch it again after that. Also, it totally made me squeal over Greg dancing with the headdress thingy except that just led me to the inescapable conclusion that, while he is very pretty and adorable, I actually think he should be shagging Dom Monaghan rather than, like, Nick. Not that I'd complain if it were Nick. Just, you know.
Also, Izzy, Chris agrees with me that you should write the dS/X Wing crossover. I am exempt by virtue of the Big Annoying Mysterious Project and also having done scraps of CSI/due South. So neener. :D How'd work go, anyway?
The remainder of this post is mostly for Chris, who we have sucked into due South online fandom with us moo ha ha ha ha.
Firstly, things saved in my "oh my god I need to feedback these people because they rule and have melted my brain" bookmarks on the desktop:
Girls Girls Girls by
brooklinegirl Gender-bending fic, funny, HOT, lovely and in character and did I mention hot? Yeah, hot. Anything by brooklinegirl is good. See also: Rules about Resonant, Speranza and China Shop (among others.) :D
Blueprint by Journey. Journey is also always very good. This is a longer one, set post CotW, with fantastically hair-tearing build up and then hotness and also covers what happens AFTER that, which is not quite so usual. I really like this one.
Notches by
Villainny. I just read this last night, it's her (assuming it's a her, anyways) first fic in this fandom and it's just scrummy. Short, sweet and so fucking Ray that it makes my brain explode. She needs to write more NOW.
Teeth of the Hydra by
Resonant. I'm just going to steal Frog's synopsis of this one: Fraser/Kowalski, NC-17. Long. Plotty. Bonus trips to the Department ofBackstory for Kowalski. Hotgaysex. What more could you ask for in a fic?
Also, there is bonus classics stuff and none of it made me want to smite anyone so, you know, yay? Resonant also has a few other fics that make me insane with glee, one of which I know I have bookmarked on the other computer (will retrieve all that stuff tomorrow, hopefully?) which will also make you insane with classician glee. Hang on, I'll see if I can find it. Oh! Right! It was
Mortification which, okay, Turnbull, but... seriously, awesome. Just go read it. It's short.
And now, stealing other people's hard work:
frog4 made a few great rec posts a while back, which I am pasting in their entirety as I have just realised that a) they are flocked and 2) I don't think you know each other? Frog, if you object, lemme know and I'll delete and let Chris prod you in her own time or whatever.
Recs Post the First:
More sweet, sweet sparkly crack dS recs for Izzy.
All fics are Fraser/Ray, unless otherwise noted
Okay, just about anything on
this site is of the good. I am particularly fond of
Academic Punk because: Professor. AU. Not that I have a kink for that sort of thing, or anything.
Other AUs in which one or both of them is an academic include:
Genesis (Vulcanologist!Fraser, Cop!Ray), and
Somewhere Else to Be (Prof!Fraser, Mechanic!Ray- I like the beginning of this one better than the end, for some reason).
Other AUs which are just plain fucking yummy include:
Hawks and Hands, i.e. the hockey AU by dira sudis;
Pas de Deaux (feat. dance instructor!Ray);
Can't Stop Falling (feat. Mechanic!Ray, again);
Family Portrait (kidfic, no Mpreg).
More Hot Stuff
How Ray Got His Groove Back Watershed Ray isn't going to wake up gay. Until he so totally does.
A Strange But True Story Aliens make them do it.
Shiny aka the Firefly crossover by dira sudis
Parental Guidance- proof that sometimes? Parents really do know what's best for you
Comfort Zone So, remember how I was asking if you were comfortable with D/s? Um, yeah. Her other stuff is also good.
Chasing Fraser. Not just AU; genderfuck AU.
Like A House On Fire- Fraser's back in Canada. Ray comes to visit.
Life Without Fraser, or How Ray Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Moose this is thefourthvine, writing under a different name. It has moose in it.
An Officer and a Gentleman. Okay, this is Welsh/Frannie (i.e. het) and it works. Wonders never cease.
Figure of Speech by
estrella, and quite a lot of her other stuff is yummy too. Um... there is a line in this, which, thanks to a certain AoL in-joke, never makes me fail to crack the fuck up, and kind of breaks the mood. But then the hotness fixes it. Sweet merciful jesus does it ever get fixed.
Fuck It All And No Regrets by
brooklinegirl. And hey! Just FYI,
brooklinegirl and
estrella30 are co-mods for the most excellent
ds_recs, a fine source for your RDA of crack hotgaysex dS fic.
And, as you know from Teeth of the Hydra,
resonant is no slouch in the fic department either.
Eight Sessions, by Spernaza - the Sleight of Hand of the dS fandom
And you know what? While you're at it, just go ahead and wander on over to
Speranza's site and read everything in the dS fandom she's written. No, really. My personal favorites include
With Six You Get Eggroll,
Hanged Man,
Enduring Distance,
Kowalski is Bleeding,
Some Strange Prophecy, and
Scrabble (the formatting is a little funky on this one, and so I avoided it for the longest time, and then I caved. Thank DOYC). Most of these are, um, kinda long.
For more links to the good stuff, check out
this post, which is somewhat spoilery, but then again, so is all that fic you just read. In addition to
makesmewannadie also recs dS fic.
Recs Post the Second:
Ray Is NotActually Graphing The History Of His Relationship With Fraser--ThatWould Be Pathetic, And Ray Is Not Pathetic--But If He Was Graphing It,Even Just In His Own Stressed-Out, Messed-Up Brain, It Might LookSomething Like This Okay, the title, yes. And also, there is maths in it, but this is mykind of maths, because I can relate to concepts like Point N, and 5x +πr² = cake. As if that wasn't enough; it contains one of my very ownfavorite bulletproof kinks. What is not to like about this fic?
True NorthI wanted to rec this in the first recs set of doom, but I couldn'tremember where I'd found it. I also couldn't remember the title, or theauthor's name, which is about par for the course with me, as you wellknow. I made an exhaustive search of my sources last night (but apleasant exhastive search- the kind that involves stumbling over lotsof other lovely porn fic) and Victory Is Mine! via
It's All In The Wrist Rope kink? Moi? Surely you jest.
loneliness, it’s such a waste of time Most. Cracktastic. AU. Evar.
Slice This one has pie.
Saturday at the Garage Oil change.
Anatomically Correct Mountie dating.
And for the now, that's all she wroterecced. Should keep you busy for a while!
Also, to everyone who is not Chris, you should read these anyway because due South fic is of the generally-exceptionally-awesome standard and thus owns.