home again home again jiggety jig

Jan 15, 2006 15:19

So, I went out and Did Stuff. Have been completely and wholly thwarted in my attempts to get new shoes. I hate shoe shopping. Seriously, words do not express. I would be perfectly happy in life to have the same two pairs of shoes forever. Only the bloody things keep wearing out. My dad is going to paint my red boots to see if that'll fix them cosmetically (cos they are otherwise still in great shape) but I badly need new sandals as the ones I have here are about to break in half. Again. They did so in December 2004 at work while I was carrying something and I nearly fell and broke bones, so the shoe place replaced them as they were only like two months old then. I would've worn them through the end of Dec, Jan and Feb of 2005 and they're more than ready to do the same thing again now. Argh. I just want plain black strapped sandals. Is this too much to ask? (Apparently, yes.)

I did however get a cool photo frame thing to hold, like, concert tickets and photos together (if I can ever figure out how it opens. I think I'll have to use the lectric screwdriver on it), the last book in the Karazan quartet and a basket thing to hold my socks as my wardrobe is busting at the seams and so they don't fit in a shelf anymore. The basket thing is orange and wire-and-bamboo and totally funky.

And the Ware-whare has changed their logo (so weird!) and there's traffic lights in places there didn't use to be but driving is FUN and I can still get to Manukau and back on auto pilot, so things aren't too bad. Also stopped by work really briefly and wow I am SO glad I don't work there right now. Heh. They have so much stock and it's not my problem! Whoo! *loathes Back to School with passion* However, we somehow have NO G.R.R. Martin books at all, which is just... weird. I bet there's some out the back though, my poor SF section is packed and not that tidy (curse you Robert Jordan! it's all your fault! prolific jackass that you are.)

Also, I found a Christmas present I had for you from 2004 and, uh, oops? Will try and mail that sometime this... year. :D

The remote saga continues, but I have found that the remotes from the lounge room work on my dvd player so I can at least watch dS again. YAY. I just can't use the DVD writer until we find them, so those of you that I've promised Black Books and so on and so forth to, uh... I apologise, but it'll be a while yet.

Seriously, flist. If you were four (!) remote controls, where would you be hiding?

GIP by Joy, as inspired by what Kat and I have to shriek at the tv every ten seconds while watching this show. :D

Oh, actually, while I'm at it, O Flist Of Mine: Anyone know at all of any decent markets for X Files stuff, or for X Men stuff? I'm looking to shift a bunch of both, and I don't want to throw stuff away, but I would like to get a few dollars at least for most of this stuff. Thoughts and suggestions appreciated. (I've tried trademe and eBay before and neither fandom seems all that active anymore. Sigh.)

missing remote saga, home

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