(no subject)

Aug 16, 2005 16:27

Yay. Getting to post with the client for the first time in, like, months. FWEE. I managed to get my laptop to talk to the wireless connection at the netcafe (after much struggle) and so am doing a frantic email dump. Depending on if I can be arsed to haul laptop and power cable (weighs more than the laptop! why??!) down here occasionally I might do this on occasion. Poor Charlie still can't get hers to connect, which sucks though. And we can't figure out why. Computers = very weird things.

And, since Joy and Anti both seem to have tagged me I'll play:

1. Go into your LJ’s archive.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag 5 people on your friend list.

25 March, 2001

"ah, well."

..well, that was illuminating, wasn't it? I didn't post much back then, and I didn't know anyone but my WAASers, so... (and don't you all wish that was the case now? So sorry about All That Spam yesterday, I spent way too many hours jacked in to the net then...)

Tagging Charlie, both Emmas and both Elizabeths. :D (it's fun to have people with the same names. I could have gone with 'the two Frog's', too, but her Amphibiousness isn't going by that name anymore, so. ;)

Need to check email and be more efficient now.
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