Attn: Shan and Jilly! And Meg in Georgia for different reasons! And also Cheryl!

Aug 15, 2005 16:18

Oh! Oh! I remembered what else I needed to say!

So, right, me and Charlie watched the "LOST: Revealed" thingy on Saturday, thus spoiling us both wildly for all the episodes we haven't seen, but hey, but anyway, important thing I meant to share was that I swear to god when they were talking about the internet fans and the way it's really taken off as a fandom, they had a brief screenshot of Second Tour of Finland's main page. I squeaked. And they also had a very obvious shot of a livejournal page [edit: skimming lj at the speed of sound i have established to my satisfaction it was in fact the lost_tv community. no, i can't believe i cared enough to work it out either] at which I laughed hysterically because it was so instantly recognisable.

*huge dork*

Though I was hoping they'd mention the site, but, still! Tickled.

Memo to self: omg send people letters/paper clipping thingies. At least. Parcels can wait til you have a bit more money.

And, Meg - I sent the inhaler, FINALLY, about a week and a bit ago, so it should hopefully be hitting your letterbox soon. So fucking sorry to have been such a flake and take so long. I hope it helps you. *muchlove* PS: tiny wee early birthday present in there as well. If customs steal it I will KILL THEM. salt and vinegar crisps care package to follow when i have figured out the best brand. i assure you my quality control testing is very, very thorough. ;)

Oh, and while I'm at it - Cheryl, if I can sneak them through the mail do you want some hula hoops in the vaguely distant future? subject line went sorta thermonuclear, didn't it? Heh.

meg, driveshaft, hula hoop pony express, psa

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