Jul 25, 2005 20:51
Still haven't left. And we seem to have lost every Nokia charger in the flat so until Padraic can lend me one I have no phone so I can't ring Charlie and am thus irresponsible and bad and awful but nearly caught up so argh.
Having just found out they (U2, sorry non-U2 flistians) recorded in Italy, all I can say is dear god, if they cut that into the Chicago dvd I will cry and then hurt things. Seriously. I can nearly handle two shows on two consecutive nights being intercut, but even then it's tricky. Mixing a stadium show with an arena show, from two different occasions and just, everything... will kill me. I NEED CONTEXT, PEOPLE. MIXING ERAS WITHOUT IDENTIFICATION MAKES ME WANT TO CRY.
/this comment brought to you by anyone who hasn't seen me screaming at GMA for doing Just That
good morning america wanktasticalness,
u2 live