Quotes and thank tawg for the cell phone.

Jun 24, 2005 14:24

Lissie: Claire! I broke the bacon! [a few moments pass] American bacon doesn't DO this!!

I am currently partaking in a bamboo, cheese, chicken and mushroom toasted sandwich. I am teh awesome.

Me, Lis, Joy and Niki are all seated tonight, thank tawg for that, so Lis and I ran the (running very late sorry guys) humanitarian jumpers/water/wraps/food/rubbish bags for use as ponchos mission down to the GA line this morning after finally managing to check out of our hostel. What a fucking train wreck. (Both the GA line and the hostel checking out. In all other respects our hotel has been grand, but checking out took ten times longer than it should've. Argh.) And just... well, don't get me started on the GA stuff, because, well, at least I haven't had to experience it yet and I haven't been out all night in it. Suffice to say, Lis said this morning "I'll never say this again, but they should've let the Americans run the line" because it seems like they're sardine canning people in and have been since 9am (9! AM! To be standing with only inches of room between you and the other people!) when gates only open in hopefully half an hour. Crazy. If it was any hotter they'd seriously be having people fainting with heat exhaustion etc. *kinda snarly* Apparently none of the other European shows we know of have been quite this bad - I guess it's because it's Croke etc etc.

Just saw the stage on the news, too. *wriggle*

Charlie: [via text message, 6am today, after having raced down with Laura upon Emma texting us that there were upwards of a hundred people there at 11pm on the 23rd] No sleep, too cold. This rain is awful but good too as half the line have buggered off. We're now number 102 & 103 in line which means fuck all. we have a caffeinated line nazi so please bring tranquillizers for her and valium for us. i miss my bed and now understand truly being insane.

Charlie: [about half an hour after the previous message] Cold, wet, hungry, whiny. Fucking U2. &hearts& C.

Sold all my C1s, yay, got C2s yesterday at the final minute, just about, so we're grand.

Kate: [about half an hour ago] Captain condom, she's our hero. Gonna take STDs down to zero. Gonna help her stop and protect from skanks who like to fuck and infect!

Cannot stop laughing.

OMG so tired. And also sweaty and unwashed and SO gross. Yes, you all needed to know that. Living in Manny and Bernard's apt, I swear. Too many people and not enough junk food booze drugs beds booze junk food.

Croke = forty five minute walk from Charlie's flat. Yes, we know this for sure.

Fuckers in Charge made people abandon bedding/bags/stuff etc so Charlie's had two duvets be thrown out before we could get there. Fucking fuck.

I might be sleeping out tonight - the very very front of the line is apparently a bit better than the slightly-further-backs, so... we'll see how I feel.

Missing the people who couldn't be here. All is craziness and it will not settle down (for me, anyway) til the 1st July at the earliest and more accurately the 4th. Eek.


*feels really bad for GA people but at least will be right there with them tomorrow*

Also, my god, we would've been fux0red beyond words without cell phones today. Tawg bless technology.

Also, did I mention that today's the first day in nearly a month when the weather has completely packed it in? Yeah. Bloody typical. It's the Glastonbury/Croke/Wimbledon trifecta of "let the weather gods fux0r all that we can do!" Gaaaaaaaah. Gorammit. *pokes weather* Summer? come back? Please?

croke 1, toastie pies of the gods, ga lines

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