-_- plving

Apr 06, 2007 18:15

Flyff what can i say I love it & sometime hate it... ok today i am Plving this person he offer me 1.5 mill for a lv.  i am smart so i ask half now half later & he gives it to me i keep fighting my monsters over and over and he does not talk to me so i wonder what exp he has he does not answer so i think he is afk he does tell me that he is going to be afk, which is fine but you dun have to be afk for almost 3 hours and not tell me  the fuck exp he has. i sart to notice that he is not afk but still on the comp so i ask him what exp he has no answer i get frustrated & keep dying, so the next thing i do is log off the end...

i know there are worst things about plving but that is al that i have right now
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