So, not really a theme beyond my experimentation with ultra-fine sharpie markers, which I've decided I don't really like that much because they mask over all the nuances in a pencil stroke. -___- They are cleaner though... so I'll keep experimenting with it some more on comics and lineart at least. Kind of pointless with colored pics.
Oh and by the way, Happy Earth Week! So I will attempt to post at least one Earth Week pic a day. Environment for the win! *iz lame*
Title: Prescription
Warnings: None
Summary: America goes to Doctor!England to treat his ailments
A/N: Yah, the first Earth Week pic... which is decidedly depressing now that I think about it... -___-
Title: Where my WASPs at?
Warnings: None
Summary: America is also gangsta, New England Gangsta that is
A/N: Hehe, so this came about when I realized that some people think that Americans don't drink tea at all. We do, just not all of us. But it reminded me of this vid:
Tea Partay which I saw ages ago and to this day still cracks me up. XD
Title: Rights
Warnings: None
Summary: America is sent to England to deliver the Olive Branch Petition
A/N: So y'know the Olive Branch Petition? The last attempt of the American continental congress to reconcile with England before declaring war? The one that King George kind of threw back in our face? Yeah. I'm fairly sure that the Right to Bear Arms was not part of that, so this isn't completely accurate. But hey, I get artistic license. XD (Though America turned out WAY more valley girl than I had intended. DX)
Title: Iggy Izzard
Warnings: Xdressing and possible brain breakage
Summary: England... as Eddie Izzard and America looking terrified and quite possibly a little turned on
A/N: XDD I love Eddie Izzard. He's just a special, special man. He's a British stand-up comedian who did stints on Little Britain. But he also happens to be a transvestite. (Or at least he was, not sure what's going on now.) He's not gay really, he just happens to enjoy women's clothing.
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